Why won’t men date me?

Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021
Photo by raychan on Unsplash

Dear Dale:

Why won’t men date me?


Tired of being passed over


Never underestimate the simplicity of men. A pouty mouth or a flash of leg and we’re gone. To us, women are doors. Open or closed. That’s all we see.

But you have to be careful. Wide open is bad because, although initially appealing, it means that everyone else can come streaming in too.

Some women understand this. They know how to open the door just enough for one person to pass through: we want you to be easy, but only for us. Such women never lack for a boyfriend and marry largely without trying.

My guess is you don’t. Your doors are probably slammed shut. Windows too. Nailed down and covered in plywood in anticipation of a hurricane that never comes.

But surely, you think, if a man really likes me, he’ll overcome all the obstacles I put in his way.

Sorry, no. You know why the world is full of unmarried middle-aged women? Hollywood and the Princess myth. That you can be as difficult as you like and still get married. Because, in the end, true love always triumphs.

But it doesn’t. Truth is, we men are lazy and, unlike women, put little thought into dating. We just go for what’s available.

Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it. Go shopping with a man. Father, brother, friend… doesn’t matter. So long as he isn’t gay. Watch what he does. Odds are, he’ll just pick something off the shelf, seemingly at random.

Why? Because men aren’t comparison shoppers. We don’t look for the best item. Most of the time, we don’t even check that it’s good. If it’s cheap and we don’t have to reach for it, we’ll take it. That it might break or blow up in our faces is not something we think about. It’s just too far down the road.

Same thing with romance. If a woman is available, we go for her. That she’ll make us miserable is irrelevant. Besides, we expect it. Any sane man knows women are trouble. So it doesn’t really matter. In for a penny, in for a pound.

So lower your neckline and hike up your skirt. Not a lot. Just enough to show you’re available. You’ll be surprised how quickly some guy comes along.

Try it. You’ll be glad you did. Hope this helps.



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Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:

Canadian but have lived in Japan for a long time so neither here nor there. Somewhere between.