Curiosity is Your Superpower: How to Become a Lifelong Learner

Dr. Jae M. Williams
Dr. Jae
9 min readJun 27, 2023


The game isn’t to know everything; it’s to never stop learning new ways to play.

Hey Family,

Today I want to share something that only until recently I have been more comfortable in expressing my passion for lifelong learning. For many reasons…which I will save for another time. I wasn’t comfortable telling people I love to read or do anything that would allow me to learn. Growing up, I realized quickly that traditional forms of learning weren’t seen as cool and were typically associated with school… where I’m from, school was definitely not perceived as cool. It was something you had to do but never wanted to do.

As I have grown, I realized that lifelong learning is an exploration of the power of never-ending education. It isn’t about textbooks, exams, or grades; it’s about a journey of discovery that lasts a lifetime. It’s the joy of asking questions, the thrill of gaining new perspectives, and the satisfaction of personal growth.

So, whether you’re a college student, a young professional, or simply someone who believes in the power of learning, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you coming through…this is for you.

What is Lifelong Learning?

Imagine yourself as a book. When you’re born, you’re like a book with blank pages, waiting to be filled with stories, ideas, and knowledge. As you grow, each experience, lesson, and moment of curiosity adds a line, a paragraph, a page to your book. This is what lifelong learning is all about. It’s not just about the structured learning we get from traditional school or the qualifications we earn. It’s the continuous pursuit of knowledge, the unquenchable thirst for understanding, that keeps adding to our book and keeps us evolving.

We are a world that is in a constant state of evolution. New technologies are constantly emerging, societal norms are continually shifting, and the volume of information available to us is expanding at an unprecedented pace. In such a dynamic environment, the ability to learn and adapt is not just a valuable skill; it becomes a critical necessity for survival and success.

So, as I reflect on my life’s journey, I’m reminded of the importance of never ceasing to learn. Because to learn is to grow, to evolve, to truly live. And isn’t that what life is all about?

Why Should You Care?

You might ask yourself, Dr. Jae, “Why should I care about being a lifelong learner? I’m already studying and working on my craft. Isn’t that enough?” My short answer to that is…absolutely not. Let me explain.

The benefits of lifelong learning are diverse, extending beyond academics or one discipline. It incorporates personal growth, career advancement, and mental fitness outside the classroom.

Here is what I mean:

Personal Growth

Lifelong learning acts as a catalyst for personal growth. It’s like a journey that takes you deeper into the space of self-discovery. As you learn more about the world, you simultaneously learn more about yourself — your interests, passions, strengths, and areas of improvement.

For example, you might discover a passion for art history while reading a book or realize your talent for problem-solving while learning a new programming language. Each new piece of knowledge or skill you acquire adds a layer to your personality, making you a more dynamic individual.

Career Advancement

We live in a highly competitive fast-evolving world where industries are constantly changing, new technologies are emerging, and the job market is continually shifting. With this understanding, those who continue to learn and upgrade their skills are the ones who stay ahead of the curve.

For example, the marketing professional taking the initiative to learn about the latest digital marketing trends or artificial intelligence tools will have a competitive edge over others who are “sleeping.” So my advice to you is to don’t sleep. If you think I’m telling you to literally not sleep … don’t worry about it. That advice wasn’t for you.

💡Scholar Studio — Class Exercise

Educators — try this in class:

“Career Forecast”: Have each group pick a profession and predict how it might evolve in the next ten years due to technological advancements, societal changes, etc. Have students present their findings to the class. This exercise will help students understand the importance of lifelong learning in staying relevant in their careers.

Mental Fitness

I believe that lifelong learning also contributes to mental fitness. Engaging your mind in learning new things keeps it active and sharp, much like physical exercise keeps your body fit. You don’t go to the gym one time or eat one healthy meal and consider yourself healthy, right?

It’s a habit that needs to be developed over time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Same thing for your mind. Constant learning stimulates your brain, improves memory, and enhances cognitive skills.

Also, learning something new can be a source of joy and satisfaction. It can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. For instance, learning to play a musical instrument or mastering a new language can be challenging, but the sense of accomplishment you feel when you finally get it right is priceless.

Lifelong learning is not just about acquiring knowledge or skills. It’s about personal development, career progression, and mental fitness. So, the question is not “What’s in it for you?” but rather, “What’s not in it for you?”

How do I become a Lifelong Learner?

Becoming a lifelong learner might sound overwhelming, but it’s simpler than you think. It’s not about burying your face in textbooks or attending endless lectures (unless that’s what you enjoy). Instead, it’s developing an open mindset, asking questions, and never being satisfied with “I don’t know.”

Let me share some ideas that could be helpful:

Embrace Curiosity

Curiosity is the fuel that drives lifelong learning. It’s about asking “why?” and “how?” about the world around you. It’s not just accepting things as they are but wanting to understand them at a deeper level.

So, the next time you come across something you don’t understand, don’t just shrug it off. Dig deeper. Ask questions. Seek answers. And most importantly…whatever you learned, pass it on.

Seek Out New Experiences

This lifestyle is about expanding your worldview and stepping out of your comfort zone. This could mean traveling to a new place, trying a new hobby, or conversing with a stranger. Each unique experience brings with it the opportunity to learn something new.

Read Broadly

Books are a gold mine of knowledge…hard stop. They can transport you to different worlds, introduce you to new ideas, and challenge your preconceived notions. But don’t just stick to one genre or topic.

Read widely. Explore different subjects, different authors, and different perspectives. The more diverse your reading, the broader your understanding of the world. I mean… you’re already off to a good start because you are here vibin’ with me. I see you!

Leverage Technology

In today’s digital age, learning has never been more accessible. Countless online courses, podcasts, and educational videos are available at your fingertips…and for most of us, in our pocket!

You can learn a new language, understand quantum physics, or explore ancient history, all from the comfort of wherever you are at a given moment. So, make the most of these resources… don’t just stop here. Keep reading and hearing new voices. You literally have no excuse…yes, I’m calling you out…sorry, not sorry.

Reflect and Apply

Learning is not just about absorbing information; it’s about applying it. After you learn something new, take the time to reflect on it. How does it relate to what you already know? How can you apply it in your life? Reflection helps consolidate your learning and makes it more meaningful. I love to talk about what I’m reading or something new I’ve learned with friends, family, or even strangers sometimes. It helps to make for a great conversation.

💡Scholar Studio — Class Exercise

Educators — try this in class::

“Reflection Roundtable”: After a lecture or discussion, have a ‘reflection roundtable’ where students share one thing they learned, how it relates to what they already know, and how they can apply it in their lives. This exercise can promote reflection and application of learning. It also helps you see what is sticking and how to build on it for future classes.

Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that you can improve and learn through effort and perseverance. It views challenges as opportunities for learning rather than obstacles. With a growth mindset, you’re not afraid to make mistakes because you know that’s how you learn.

Remember, the goal of lifelong learning is not to know everything but to continually learn something. Every day. The focus is the journey, not the destination. So, take it one step at a time, and enjoy the process.

Being a Lifelong Learner is Cool AF.

We’ve explored the concept of lifelong learning, not simply as an academic pursuit but as a continuous journey of discovery that spans the entirety of our lives. I’ve shared how it fuels personal growth, propels career advancement, and nurtures mental fitness.

But more than that, I hope I’ve shown you how it can enrich our lives, broaden our worldview, and bring joy. The key takeaway is that lifelong learning helps us become the best versions of ourselves, never ceasing to grow, evolve, and live.

I’ll leave you with these 3 gems:

  1. Embrace lifelong learning…its cool af.
  2. Let your curiosity guide you; let your thirst for knowledge drive you.
  3. Step out of your comfort zone, look for new experiences, and never stop asking questions.

Because the world is an enormous, fascinating place, and you have a lifetime to discover it. Remember, the game isn’t to know everything; it’s to never stop learning new ways to play. Because to learn is to live.

So, are you ready to truly live? I hope you are. Because the journey is long, it’s beautiful and yours to make.

Thanks for your time today. I appreciate you.

Much Love,

Dr. Jae

P.S. — If you learned something new from this piece or want to discover more ways to create unforgettable class experiences and inspire students to become lifelong learners subscribe to Educator Unplugged or get in touch here at

I’d love to hear from you.

📚 Here are my 5 book recommendations on lifelong learning.

1. “A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)” by Barbara Oakley: A great book for learning how to approach subjects you find difficult.

2. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck: This book reveals how our mindset can impact our ability to learn and achieve.

3. “The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance” by Josh Waitzkin: A fascinating exploration of the process of learning from a chess prodigy.

4. “How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens” by Benedict Carey: This book breaks down the science of learning in a relatable and engaging way.

5. “Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career” by Scott Young: This book offers strategies to learn new skills quickly and effectively.

