“Hey you started a meme page? F#ck U!

Dear Internet
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2016

Its interesting- Social Media. Specifically and in general. The big meme pages get all the likes. They steal memes, content and your mothers panties and get away with it. “Email us for submissions, shoutouts and credit.” Basically the buy here pay here of the Social Media Comedy world. How does the new guy get a foot hold in when they will muscle your shit out like the Hulk? Simple. Persistence.

Your shit has to be funny, relevant, and original. But who didn’t already know that? Often times you wonder if your content is actually funny or if your just 33 living in your parents basement one meme away from ending it all. This is real shit. #memeislife. It’s not that serious. But it kinda is. We all want the glory. We all want to go viral. And not from last nights hookup. We all want to break the internet bitch.

Thanks for the read.


