Member-only story
I left Facebook — Not Social Media
It’s Not About SM, It’s About Privacy
A few months ago, I left Facebook. Although it occurred around the same time of the US presidential election.. it had nothing to do with that. This was something I had been pondering since I opened my account back in 2009.
Unfortunately, like many Americans, it became difficult to leave the longer I stayed. Plus, when I discussed my intent with friends and family, I was met with irritation, eye rolls, and argument.
Why would you want to leave Facebook???
Shouldn’t you just grow thicker skin??
Here’s the straight-up facts for all the nay-sayers.
What does this mean for the everyday person? Well, if you understand online marketing and Big Data, it should give you a chill.
As online monopolies, Google and Facebook have a terrifying amount of control over content. What is content? Content is every single bit of information that you (yes, you) place online. All of it. The emails, the pictures, the videos, the comments, the blog posts, the audio, the description about the products you sell online…