That Burning Need to Create

Way worse than writer’s block

Jenn Marie
Dear Internet


Sometimes I have so many good ideas that I can’t write them down fast enough. It’s the reason I learned how to type.

I wrote my first story when I was in fourth grade. I remembered it clearly. I woke up from a strange dream and felt the need to write it down. My hands were hurting when I finished. My little fingers could not seem to move as fast as the story was being recalled. It was beautiful to read my memories the next day. I was hooked.

I love writing. It got me through the awkward years of middle school. It carried me through college and gave me my first job. Even when I developed writer’s cramp at the age of 14, I did not stop. I simply taught myself to write with my other hand.

I do a lot of writing nowadays — for other people, and up until recently, that has been enough to fill my creative desires. But ever since I quit Facebook, it has resurfaced with renewed strength.

I need to create something, or else I might just have to take something apart so that I can put it back together again.

So I took up writing on Medium — to protect the electronics in my house.

Maybe I’ll eventually create what it is I am yearning to do, but until then, I offer these ramblings to the Internet. Hopefully, they will be useful to someone.



Jenn Marie
Dear Internet

Lover of computers, content & culture. Freelance UX writer & grad student. Owner of Jenn Marie Writing & Marketing.