Being myself

How do I do this

Dear JasperJay
1 min readSep 16, 2013


I feel like a stranger to myself lately. When I look at myself I feel like I don’t know myself anymore. There are so many emotions going though me day to day I have lost track of who I am. I try to hold fast to the characteristic that I know and like about myself.



Smart (well kind of)


Accident waiting to happen


Funny (sometimes)






I try to hold on to them. To bring me back. I love always looking to God to remember I am his. His little girl that he loves and cares for more then I could ever imagine. This brings me such joy! I just get this amazing image of me being a little girl again and have the father he always was for me. Knowing that His love for me is stronger then any man could possible love me. His grace goes as far as the east is from the west. He never stops thinking of me and wanting all the best for me in life.

In Him I find myself. I loose myself in him to find myself.

