The Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide for Journalists

Laura Secorun
Dear Laura
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

Christmas is almost upon us, so I thought I would write something festive.
If you have been too busy with deadlines to go shopping, here’s a list of
last-minute gift ideas for the journalists in your life (or a wish-list you can “accidentally” forward to that auntie who always gets you socks.)

If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope this is still a useful resource for birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.

#1 Support

Show your friends their work makes a difference by donating to an organization related to their beat. If they write about women’s rights, donate to Planned Parenthood, or if they care about migration, to IOM . And if they happen to be a rare wildlife photographer, donate to the Ugly Animal Preservation Society (yes, it’s a thing.)

#2 Safety

These are dangerous times to be a woman in journalism. So if you have a beloved sister reporting from dangerous environments, consider SPOT.
This portable GPS tracks their location and has a panic button for rescue anywhere in the world. It also allows them to send pre-written emails/SMS from the field even when there’s no phone reception.

Cheaper alternatives include a Net Aid Kit (to secure their digital activity), a doorstop alarm for sound sleep or the classic guide by Rosie Garthwaite, How to avoid being killed in a war zone — which includes life saving tips on everything from friendly fire to menstrual cups.

#3 Inspiration

Journalists tend to like… journalism. So why not get them a few months subscription to their favorite pay-walled outlet? You can also opt for paper magazines like the slow journalism treasure Delayed Gratification, the timeless National Geographic or the hipster Scalawag — a fascinating review of culture and politics is America’s South.

You can also support fellow female journalists by buying their amazing books. Some recent gems include A Moonless, Starless Sky by Alexis Okeowo, Pipe Dreams: The Squandering of Iraq’s Oil Wealth by Erin Banco and Dancing with the Devil in the City of God: Rio de Janeiro on the Brink by Juliana Barbassa.

#4 Stationary

If you know a stationary geek (like myself) you could get them Moleskine + Evernote. The offer combines the world’s most pretentious notebook (Hemingway used it, right?) with 3 months of premium access to the very useful note-taking app and some cool futuristic features. You could also opt for personalizing their favorite one with an uplifting quote.

#5 Freedom

I was Skyping a particularly overwhelmed friend the other day and I said
“I love you but what if our gift to each other this Christmas is not having to exchange gifts?” Her answer was a relieved “Yes please!”
Brain-space is a great present.

Happiest holidays,


PS: Questions? Queries? More gift ideas? I’m all ears.

Hosted by the Coalition for Women in Journalism
Curated by Kiran Nazish



Laura Secorun
Dear Laura

Roving writer. Great at packing. Awful at writing bios.