If Your Senators Voted for Scott Pruitt to Head the EPA, Tell Them How Disappointed You Are in Them

Adam D. Zolkover
Dear Leaders
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2017

Here is a list of how senators voted on Scott Pruitt’s confirmation as head of the EPA. If your senators were among the fifty-two who voted to put a man who has sued the EPA 14 times at its head, please write them and let them know how unhappy you are with that decision.

In the second paragraph of this letter, I mention the number of Superfund sites in Pennsylvania. You can find that number for your state here. (Though be warned, the fact that it’s from the EPA’s website means that it could disappear at any time. Find that information quickly.)

Dear Senator ____________,

I am writing to express my disappointment in your vote for Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Pruitt has spent his career fighting against the EPA on behalf of polluters including the oil and gas industry and the poultry industry. As Attorney General of Oklahoma, he has sued the EPA 14 separate times to block regulations that would combat climate change, and that would protect basic necessities like the clean water of the people of his state.

The EPA does invaluable work all over the United States, including in Pennsylvania where it has overseen the cleanup of more than 100 Superfund sites. It deserves better than Scott Pruitt at its head. And we as Pennsylvanians deserve more responsible decision-making from our legislators than what you have shown here.

Now that he has been confirmed, I am asking you to please watch Scott Pruitt carefully, and please protect the interests of your constituents when the new EPA sides with industry over the health of the American people.





Adam D. Zolkover
Dear Leaders

Folklorist, among other things. Interested in politics, civility, tolerance, social justice, and pastry.