Article Submissions

Dear Médium Writer: Submissions & Guidelines

Tips for submitting your letters.

Francis B.
Dear Médium Writers
6 min read7 hours ago


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Do you still write letters?

You have come to the right place, Welcome!

My 10 Simple Rules, Guidelines, & Tips For Submitting A Letter

  1. Please read and follow Medium’s general rules.
  2. Please keep your letters positive.
  3. Please write your letters to one Medium Writer in particular whose, work you admire, remembering not to divulge anything they wouldn’t want others to know. These are not private communications but will be read by many. (Medium also has strict regulations about publishing private comments from comment threads).
  4. Please keep your language family-friendly (PG 13).
    (Their story may have been “Effing Brilliant” but “Brilliant” will do.
  5. Please use the best photo possible for your lead photo. (I have read that photos with people in them tend to get more clicks).
  6. Letter Idea #1: Write about a story or stories your recipient has published, and how they have affected you in a positive way, and mention why other readrs might want to read their story.
    (If you do this it’s not a bad idea to drop a link to their



Francis B.
Dear Médium Writers

32K Views - Top Writer in Music. I write about Travel, Food, Inspiration, Music, & Film. I Publish/Edit 6 Publications. See my "About Me" article.