WTF is Dear Marketing studenT?

Ayodeji Afolabi
Dear Marketing Student
3 min readJan 6, 2017

Since High school, I’ve known I want to do digital marketing as a career. For at least 2 hours a day, every day, without fail for the past 2 years I’ve spent reading blogs and articles around the web. Most of them about marketing. The knowledge and insights I’ve gained from doing that have been nothing short of invaluable. I also study marketing in college and I can safely say the stuff I’ve read online has taught me way more about marketing than college ever has. It sounds crazy but it true.

Over time I built up a list of go-to sites and blogs that create content for various niches in marketing and also sites that talk about the latest marketing news that I read on a regular basis. There’s hardly a blog or marketing news site that I don’t know about.

Something cool I’ve realised is that there is a blog creating content for practically every niche in marketing. For example, for inbound marketing there’s Hubspot, for SEO there’s Moz and so on. Well, almost every niche.

All the best articles and resources I’ve found that taught me something really useful about marketing that was directly relevant to me as a marketing student were basically stumbled upon after reading various blogs for hours on end.

You see, after hours of scouring the web, I could find no blog that created content dedicated to a marketing student. I’ve had this burning need for someone to create a blog or newsletter that creates and curates content relevant to me, a marketing student. I thought to myself it’s crazy that no one is doing this and soon I told myself I need to do something about this.

This is why I created Dear Marketing StudenT.

So what can you expect to see in this publication

Basically each post should help you understand today’s marketing news and what it means for you.

In each post, you will find a news article related to marketing summarised to its main points and written to be witty and also easy to understand. To do this every post will answer two simple questions:

  • What’s going on here?
  • What does this mean?

But here’s the kicker, each post will also include specific context of how the news relates to you, your career, the marketing industry and the future of marketing. Think of a news story that tells you why you should care. Basically each post should help you understand today’s marketing news and what it means for you.

So if you’re currently studying marketing in college and aspire to work in the marketing industry, or are just someone with a curious mind who has an interest in the world of marketing then you’ll really love Dear Marketing StudenT publication.

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For all questions, comments, or feedback, or if you want to contribute, shoot me an email at



Ayodeji Afolabi
Dear Marketing Student

Digital marketer | #startup enthusiast | @uwinnipeg 16' @Bcit 18' | Working to providde value | Fam @tosinAF