For The Non Melanin Holders at the Table my Ancestors Built

Erica L. Blake
Dear Queen
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2017

I’m black enough to say how I feel when you disrespect me
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to hustle and get mine because this country has taken so much from me and my ancestors
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to be scared when getting pulled over by the cops so I question their motives
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to understand you see me as a threat because you’re brainwashed
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to scream and march for injustices
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to question you when something doesn’t seem right about the process you’re putting me through
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to run away scared because your people are killing us like animals
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to drive backwards in the street because I’m scared
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to blast my music in the car with my friends
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to wear a hoody everyday, as if it’s attached to my skin
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m so black that I can’t hide it
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to know my roots AND my rights
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to self educate
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to uplift MY community
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to be proud of my black skin even when I’ve been told I should be ashamed
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
I’m black enough to wear my afro, my locs and my curls
But that doesn’t mean I’m a threat to you
The same way I self educate myself, I wish you would too…
You would see the beauty in my people, the things we’ve been through beyond the scripted shows
Then, you could see too
I’m no threat to you

