DTP Launch Recap

Adina Luo
Dear Tech People
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2018

A note from Dhruv Maheshwari, Adina Luo, and Wyatt Shapiro

Dear Tech People,

Thank you all so much for subscribing and supporting Dear Tech People! We’ve heard from many people — jobseekers, D&I advocates, HR leaders, and general supporters — and we wanted to take the time to let you know more about our initial launch and where we’re headed.

Joining the broader movement

Dear Tech People begins to address the problems of data transparency and standardization, articulated here by Jesse Jackson and other thought leaders. Better data matters because without metrics, it’s hard to measure progress. With DTP, we aim to foster a data-driven approach to working on diversity and inclusion that complements the myriad of current and emerging efforts.

It’s important to note that quantitative data about demographics is only a piece of the puzzle. First, it does not necessarily indicate anything about the culture, particularly inclusiveness, of an organization. Second, as articulated by some of the most experienced leaders in D&I, there are many factors, affecting individuals from Pre-K all the way up through their careers, that prevent tech from being as diverse as the consumers it serves (the world). Fortunately, there are many phenomenal organizations working to address other challenges in this space, and we highly encourage individuals and companies to check out the amazing work being done by a growing number of initiatives. We aim to provide data and context to complement these other initiatives, and are excited to partner and collaborate with them in the near future.

Launch results and feedback

It’s been exciting to contribute to a growing movement, and we’ve loved talking to and learning from those who have reached out. We were lucky to pick up some press at FastCompany, VentureBeat, CEB Insights, and others, which amplified our reach. Here is some of the engagement and feedback we’ve gotten since launch.

First, we got people talking and thinking about diversity! It’s been exciting to see VCs, CEOs, and other leaders engage with our project. Thanks to those who reached out, supported us on what we did well, and advised us on how to make it better.

Second, we’ve also gotten a chance to talk to a whole range of tech stakeholders. Here’s some of the most common feedback and sentiments we’ve gotten from conversations about Dear Tech People:

HR leaders:

I see DTP [verified pages] as a great way to communicate what we’re actually doing and trying internally — which is as important as the numbers.

It’s really hard to know how our company is doing relative to others and this gives us a baseline. Our execs ask for this type of data all the time.


This is really important for jobseekers. While numbers aren’t the entire picture, it’s a needed starting point for me to see whether the company could be a good fit.

Diversity advocates and thought leaders:

It would be best to enable more interactive filtering, to enable people to more easily sift through the data, allowing for more accurate comparisons across sectors, company sizes, and company compositions.

We’d love to partner with you to help drive more data transparency across the broader pipeline and in other industries.

While our methodology will always be a work in the progress, we launched with conviction that the new data we released would be better better than flying blind without any data. Given the follow up conversations and feedback we’ve seen on the topics of diversity and transparency, we are looking forward to build on that first step.

What’s next?

We’d like to continue helping the tech industry examine itself — understand metrics, highlight leaders and initiatives, and help companies share their philosophies and learnings.

First, we want to improve the UI with more filters in order to allow diversity advocates and job seekers use the data effectively. This ability to compare and analyze companies within specific sectors, sizes, and team compositions will also result in more relevant comparisons across companies.

Secondly, we’re in the midst of talking to 20 companies, who expressed interest in verifying their diversity metrics and sharing their stories. A few companies have already sent us their data, and we’re excited to get the ball rolling. Those who verify will also be able to market and share their initiatives, on a company page. See Clover’s page as an example. If your company is interested in a verified page, please get in touch!

Lastly, we’re starting to collaborate with other individuals and organizations. We’d love more voices around our table. We’ve been grateful for those who have reached out already, and if you’d be interested in leveraging our data or interested in contributing, please let us know!


Dhruv, Adina & Wyatt

