photo: fei

You came along and everything became brighter

Dear you,

Dear you
Dear you
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2013


I have always thought of writing as a sad, melancholy outlet; mostly reserved for heartbreak, loneliness and general nostalgia. Nostalgia of things that were and what one longs to feel again.

As I read other letters, they seem to contain this general theme, mostly recounting memories. I notice people seldom write when they are happy.

But you came along and everything became brighter. Stronger. That feeling I felt before, even with others, is slowly fading away. You made me feel complete, without me depending on you, and for this, I want to say thank you.

Instead of a feeling of sadness, I write this letter with gratitude. I write it with joy that someone like you has chanced into my life. I enjoy every day of our journey together, and can’t wait to see you again.

Always yours,



Dear you
Dear you

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