You make me a better man

Dear you
Dear you
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2013


Dear you,

I just want you to know that you are the best thing that happened in my life.

You asked me once,what do I love about you and what do I see in you — not sure if I gave you a proper answer. Well, these are just the few that I can think of which may not appear to be a big deal to you — but it is to me. You changed me to be a better person overall.

I have learned to be more responsible in every action I do. Even if it’s something simple such as putting back the things that I took (Archie comics, nail clippers, mini microfiber cloth) back to its original place. Thanks to your persistence, I now apply this to my everyday life regardless of where am I or what am I doing.

I have also learned to admit my mistakes. I used to have the mindset that I hardly make mistakes and even if I did, it was never ever my fault to begin with. And I believe, this is the root to some of our massive argument. Sometimes you remain silent, sometimes you shed tears. At that moment, I stopped to clear my head and think. And that was the point of realization I had that I have made a mistake and I should make things right. I have begun to put myself in another person’s shoes before I judge and conclude.

Last but not the least, you taught me how to trust. I used to have issues with you going out with your colleagues or friends even if you tried your best to provide me with specific details on your whereabouts. As time pass, I learned that I should give you the trust as how you have given it to me.

A better man

PS — I love you.



Dear you
Dear you

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