The Fear of Vulnerability: Finding Your Authentic Voice as a Grown Ass Woman

cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®
3 min readJan 25, 2021

There’s something wildly freeing about knowing that when you put yourself out there, unapologetically — your people show up, the ones who deeply appreciate you in all of your you-ness.

It’s also really scary because there is a possibility that you can do the same thing — put your whole soul on the line — and no one will show up.

So does that mean that we don’t risk it; that we stay half versions of ourselves that might be more palatable for others? Of course not.

Here’s why it’s important that you’re clear on your authentic voice and share accordingly:

If we feel like we know you, understand you and connect to you — we listen a little closer, we care more deeply, and we WANT to support you. Consider the folks that you respect and are drawn to, or care about. WHY do you care? Do you relate to their story or maybe you’ve experienced some of the same things?

That’s all clarity in their voice and vibe and THAT is exactly what you’re after.

Here’s the BIG, IMPORTANT, DO NOT IGNORE caveat.

Know that “WE” does not mean everyone will agree with you or want to be your best friend. It means the RIGHT people will be drawn to you. These are the people who stick by you from mess-ups to achievements, and everything in between.

So you’re wondering: where do you need to use your authentic voice?

Glad you asked. Your voice & your vibe need to be clear and used:

  • In your communication with your friends and family
  • On social media
  • In your emails to coworkers, clients, friends and family
  • Messages & language that you share with anyone in work or your personal life
  • In your community when you’re sharing ideas with peers
  • In your “Elevator Pitch”, if you have one

…Basically, once you’ve got your voice nailed down — it is something you live and breathe because it comes naturally to you.

Because it is you.

“Self-awareness Leads to an intentional life.”

You must consistently be your real self. The façade you put out into the world isn’t always the most genuine version of who you are. But that most genuine version of you is what connects you to your community & loved ones. People connect & care deeply about real, authentic people.

True community & vulnerability comes from understanding and tapping into your own voice because that, my friend, can not be replicated by anyone else.

And once you begin to understand how to connect with your “you-ness”, the world aligns with you to truly create your own kind of magic.

Getting comfortable finding and using your voice; that voice that is yours without the opinions or beliefs of others is really f*cking hard, especially as a grown ass woman.

Looking for resources? Download the Understanding Your Voice workbook here for exercises to help you find your authentic voice.

To learn more and join our incredible global community of women over the age of 35 in our Dear Grown Ass Women™, head over to our site. We look forward to meeting you on the inside!



cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®

CYNDIE SPIEGEL is a Brooklyn based bourbon drinking yogi who is also a published author + TEDx speaker elevating the behavioral status quo of women everywhere.