The Story of YOU: Meet Our Members: Dayle

cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®
4 min readJan 5, 2021

Member Spotlight: “I’m a natural cheerleader and I want a community to cheer me on but also to help me to be the best version of myself. Sometimes I (and we) forget who we are and it takes a village to bring us back to ourselves”

Name: Dayle Bennett

Age: 49

Lives: Atlanta, Georgia

Who are you?

I’m Dayle Bennett, a creative Black lady who dreams in full color. A magical unicorn. Unapologetic cotton candy lover. Optimist. Romantic. Dog lover. Proud Baltimorian proud Baltimorean born and raised. Currently living in Atlanta where my creativity thrives. Star Wars geek. Crying is my superpower & my superhero name is Sprinkler. Soon To Be Roller Skater (I just bought a pair of Rose Gold skates!)

When do you first remember feeling like/owning/identify as a grown ass woman? I think the first time I felt like a grown ass woman is when people started to write down my Dayle-isms and turn them into quotes.

What is the most difficult thing you’ve ever done?: When I was 40 years old, I made the very difficult decision to leave my husband after 18 years together. I have no regrets and we’re still very good friends. I mean, we’ve spent half of our lives together and our lives & families are intertwined; we’ll always be friends.

What’s been the most valuable skill that you’ve developed in your life this far? The most valuable skill that I’ve developed this far is perspective and truly seeing the BIG picture. I’ve never been good at just doing what I’m told and having perspective allows me to respond more deeply than surface level in a given situation.

What has been the happiest moment of your life so far? Our wedding. For our rehearsal dinner, we had a huge crab feast, while overlooking the harbor and hosted in my mother-in-law’s home. The wedding itself was Black, Black, Blackity Black and was held in a historic mansion that houses an African American museum upstairs. We served soul food and all of our family was there. We’d been together for 9 years at that point and everyone was just so happy. Multiple generations came together and what a blessing it was because many of them have since passed away.

What is your greatest challenge at the moment? Building a new business that is profitable.

What’s your favorite color? Green, specifically kelly green and mint green. I really dislike Evergreen for some reason.

What has been the biggest *aha* moment you’ve had being a part of the DGAW™ community? My biggest *aha* moment as part of the DGAW™ community has been the kaftan and cocktails gatherings. I love just love kicking it with ladies. Sharing our lives and totally being ourselves.

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Pray & meditate.

What do you want to learn from a community of your peers? I’m a natural cheerleader and I want a community to cheer me on but also to help me to be the best version of myself. Sometimes I (and we) forget who we are and it takes a village to bring us back to ourselves.

If you could share only one life lesson, what would it be? Don’t be afraid to be yourself. I know this and I still sometimes struggle with this. We all need the reminder not to shrink for anyone else. It really doesn’t serve anyone at all.

Anything else you’d like to share or like us to know? I love my grown ass women!

Thank you, Dayle, for sharing your story with Dear Grown Ass Women™ and letting us get to know you.

To learn more and join our incredible global community of women over the age of 35 in our Dear Grown Ass Women™, head over to our site. We look forward to meeting you on the inside!



cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®

CYNDIE SPIEGEL is a Brooklyn based bourbon drinking yogi who is also a published author + TEDx speaker elevating the behavioral status quo of women everywhere.