The Story of YOU: Meet Our Members: Kat Poulos

cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®
5 min readAug 4, 2021

Member Spotlight: I had such a short temper as a kid; I would flare up and throw things around. As an adult, life happened and with each disappointment, I somehow grew more patient. One of my favorite compliments is when people mention how patient I am. Considering my childhood temper, it’s really so ironic.

Name: Kat Poulos

Lives: Chicago, Illinois

Age: 40

Who are you? Answer that in any way that feels appropriate to you.

I am an American woman born to immigrants that came from Egypt. We are a minority group called Coptic, which means Egyptian. The group is both ethnic and a religion, also called Coptic Orthodox though it is hard to separate the two. It is common to enter any one of my peoples’ homes and see pyramids, pharaohs, crosses & religious pieces on display. We have a rich heritage that runs deep in my personal faith & religion. Growing up, I was raised in large part by my grandmother while my parents worked. My parents came here to raise their family in a more equal world; regardless of gender, religion or education.

I am also a divorcee. I made that dreadful decision to marry my college sweetheart who was abusive in all ways except physical. When I left that relationship, my spirit was crushed. But with help, I was able to jump off the cliff and leave anyway. That truly is a grown ass woman move: I stood up for myself in a way I never thought I could. And I never went back or had any regrets.

I am a dog mom to my 13 year old female german shepherd. I got her at 4 months old. Considering it was my first time having a dog, the fact that she’s still healthy and alive still shocks me sometimes:)

I also:

1) love challenges

a. difficult people & projects find me

2) quietly lead a group of people

a. behind the scenes I organize logistics, mediate situations, negotiate terms

3) am willing to try new things without overthinking all of the possible consequences ie. outdoor trapeze classes knowing that I’m scared of heights

4) sign up for things like this to experience what it’s all like firsthand!

Are you an early bird or a night owl? In what ways?

Both. I like to wake up early and also stay up late. Two completely different reasons, but I find myself having certain rituals. I love early mornings where I have my coffee, read my devotionals, bible & journal, all before I start my workday. If the sun is out, it’s even more enjoyable because it’s uplifting.

Night owl stuff is for working on things I need to get done; I get a second wind and crank out work for my business or personal things. It makes me feel so accomplished.

Name a book that has impacted you deeply.

I just started reading (and finishing) books about a year ago. But so far this book, Abba’s Child: The Cry of The Heart For Intimate Belonging has had the most impact. It has a faith-based foundation that focuses on community, family and love, in a way that I find very connecting.

What life rituals do you have?

I am a spiritual woman so God is part of that. I feel off if I don’t go to church weekly. It’s a type of reset, a place and time to reflect on the past and upcoming week. Perhaps nothing gets solved, but having the calm to deal with such a busy life means that every bit of pause helps put me into the right mindset.

What’s one thing that would go back and change if you could?

I have no regrets. But if given the chance, I’d change how negatively I felt about myself when I was in my 20’s. I’d have loved myself more and made different choices, like studying abroad, for example. The way I felt about myself is what led directly to marrying a man that was abusive at age 27. I would change how I felt about the young woman I was then.

What’s been the most valuable skill that you’ve developed?

Patience; it’s grown deeper with age. I had such a short temper as a kid; I would flare up and throw things around. As an adult, life happened and with each disappointment, I somehow grew more patient. One of my favorite compliments is when people mention how patient I am. Considering my childhood temper, it’s really so ironic. (My grandmother hated my temper. She passed away 21 years ago and I think she would be proud of who I’ve become.)

What has been the biggest *aha* moment you’ve had being a part of the DGAW™ community?

I think it was meeting Cyndie for the first time. I was surprised at how approachable she was. The fact that she made herself available in 1–1s. I was a bit nervous at first, but thought “heck she is generous to offer her time (my love language), so I can take her up on that offer.” It was one of the most fun one-on-ones that I’ve had, actually.

Tuscany Bike Tour in 2016

What is a personal motto or phrase that best represents you?

It is what it is.

We’ll see how this all shakes out.

I say them both because I believe people will do what they want to do, so I can’t be attached to any particular outcome. I will deal with that outcome as it is. No sense in trying to figure it out before it takes form.

Who are your (s)heroes?

My parents: they learned a completely different language, moved across the ocean and left everything they’d know behind based on a hope that they could build a better life for their future children.

Kat and Family



cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®

CYNDIE SPIEGEL is a Brooklyn based bourbon drinking yogi who is also a published author + TEDx speaker elevating the behavioral status quo of women everywhere.