The Story of YOU: Meet Our Members: Linett

cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®
5 min readDec 21, 2020

Member Spotlight: “The most valuable skill in life I have developed is the ability to read a room and take what is “written” in that room at face value. That’s been hard, especially in this pandemic and during these less than civil times. Nonetheless it is still important to listen (and not immediately react) to what is being said and by whom.”

Name: Linett Adell

Age: 47

Lives: Columbus, Ohio

Who are you?

Wife, Sister, Aunt, Cousin, Partner in Crime, Cookie Widow (my husband is a baker and he gets very busy during the holiday season so I rarely see him during this season) Enthusiastic Cheerleader for my family & friends and a staunch supporter of Equal Rights for All.

I have a BFA in both Theater Performance & Film Production and what they’ve taught me was the ability to pivot quickly, rely deeply on others and also to make sure that life keeps on moving because the show MUST always go on.

“The ONLY time I was in a musical. “A Chorus Line”” (Front Row, 3rd woman from the left)

Share some childhood memories:

My grandmother, Tootsie Belle, was one of my favorite people in the world. I spent weekends throughout my childhood with her and they are some of my fondest memories I have. On Sundays, the ladies would come over to her place after church and dish dirt, while I was always told “Linett, close your ears for a minute.” I never did, though so I heard ALL the things! The memory that impacted me most in life was from the morning we buried grandma, when my mom announced that she and her siblings were selling the house I was currently living in. I was devastated. It was the first time I applied my acting training to regular life. I put on the mask and handled the hardest day of my life. Shortly after, I moved in with my then boyfriend David, and I haven’t left yet. He is now my husband.

Hanging with family

When do you first remember feeling like/owning/identify as a grown ass woman?

I was raised to “think” like a Grown Ass Woman but I don’t think I felt it until I went through some big health issues. (Endometriosis/Full Hysterectomy, etc.)

What life rituals do you have?

In THIS house-we relax on Sunday. We travel twice a year to someplace new. We explore our City (be it food, parks, shops, architecture, art galleries, etc.). I take time each day to recharge by having a mini-dance party and meditate.

What’s been the most valuable skill that you’ve developed in your life this far?

The ability to read a room and take what is “written” in that room at face value. That’s been hard, especially in this pandemic and during these less than civil times. Nonetheless it is still important to listen (and not immediately react) to what is being said and by whom. Another valuable lesson for me was learning that I couldn’t trust everyone. I, of course, only learned this hard-won lesson after taking in too many of the wrong kind of folks. Grandma used to always say “Linett, everybody is not your friend!” I should’ve listened, Grandma Tootsie Belle always did know best.

What is your greatest challenge at the moment?

Managing my time when so many need my help. The “ there’s never enough hours in a day” trope has really stepped up during this pandemic. Having to travel to several stores to get staples for my ‘compromised’ people has been a real struggle.

What has been the biggest *aha* moment you’ve had being a part of the DGAW™ community?

That being the “RESPONSIBLE” person only means I am able to respond. It’s not a burden but a possibility to affect change for someone else. Not because I have to, but because I CAN. Also, loving myself FIRST is another Aha moment and I’m grateful for that.

What is a personal motto or phrase that best represents you?

I am all about the F-U-N. Also “Handle Your Business” as my grandmother would say.

What is your greatest extravagance?

My Collections. In a family with 5 kids, there were just too many of us to really have everything I wanted. As an adult, I’m making up for it and my collections are plentiful. I collect a whole lot of things. Pink Panther, evening gowns, costume jewelry, my Playboy drinkware from the now defunct Playboy Club, tiki mugs, vintage compacts, lucite purses, Funko pops, Comics, and of course, vintage barware. Yeah, it’s a bit much. But hey, it’s my home and we have the space for it (like an entire room for just my closet and another room for crafts, etc.)

What do you learn from your DGAW® community?

During these lonely Quaran-Times, I’m excited to see people still doing cool and interesting things. I’m inspired weekly by the amazing things these women are contributing to both this community and their communities at home. It keeps me on my A-game. Otherwise that level of inspiration is hard to come by in the current social vacuum of COVID-19!

Family picture of who really raised me (Left to right-John (back row); Aunt Linda, “Aunt” Mary Margaret; Grandma “Tootsie Bell” and my “mom” Dooney as a youngin front row.)

If you could share only one life lesson, what would it be?

People can resent your very existence and in the next breath express thanks for your help. Getting around that kind of mind-bending cluster*#k has served me well. Sometimes I forget and take things personally but then I re-consider; what they are saying isn’t about me. It IS…but it isn’t. It’s how they feel about themselves and reminds me of how emotionally immature they are. No matter how hurtful/honest/cathartic those words may feel, it isn’t about me. It is the best they can do with where they are, at this moment.

Anything else you’d like to share or like us to know?

I would like to thank every woman here in Dear Grown Ass Women® for keeping me company during these Quaran-times. Especially Cyndie for creating such a great community of badass women to connect with. You have no idea how much of a healing balm it has been.

Thank you, Linett, for sharing your story with Dear Grown Ass Women™ and letting us get to know you.

To learn more and join our incredible global community of women over the age of 35 in our Dear Grown Ass Women™, head over to our site. We look forward to meeting you on the inside!



cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®

CYNDIE SPIEGEL is a Brooklyn based bourbon drinking yogi who is also a published author + TEDx speaker elevating the behavioral status quo of women everywhere.