The Story of YOU: Meet Our Members: Naomi

cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®
6 min readApr 20, 2021

Member Spotlight: “I never weigh myself, always candles, open curtains and windows as well when it’s above 40 degrees outside. Book stacks next to my bed, tarot and oracle as a daily practice, plants over almost everything else. Lead through truth and kindness.”

Name: Naomi Hattaway

Age: 44 (45 in June!)

Lives In: Omaha, Nebraska

Who are you? Answer that in any way that feels appropriate to you.

Naomi and family

My patchwork quilt is:

Black biracial, overweight, disabled and also, a lover of earrings.

Post-menopausal, sassy, opinionated and extraordinarily tender-hearted.

Mom of three (26, 17, 14), with three rescue dogs and two rescue cats (and a houseful of hair to prove it).

Wife — married for 18 years (whoa!!). Jeep driver, RV camp lover, obsessed with the cadence of music and the beauty of staring out of windows.

Homeschooled before it was legal, navigated being mixed race when it was definitely not cool. Seeker of belonging and community with folks that identify as other.

You are running for city council in Nebraska. How is that going?

I’m learning SO much. It will be an experience that I’m not sure I’ll ever repeat, but one that I know I will reach back to use my time and energy for those that will come behind me. The system was definitely not built for women, and I want to be an engaged and determined part of changing that in elections to come.

We’ve fundraised 3/4 of our $100,000 goal, and we are gathering and collecting volunteers at every turn to help with voter contact (phones, text, literature drops). It was important for me to run a “darling and delightful” campaign and while it’s exhausting, we are also insisting on a “slow campaign” effort so that I can take as good of care of myself as possible, as well as care taking for volunteers and staff.

What life rituals do you have?

I never weigh myself, always candles, open curtains and windows as well when it’s above 40 degrees outside. Book stacks next to my bed, tarot and oracle as a daily practice, plants over almost everything else. Lead through truth and kindness.

What’s been the most valuable skill that you’ve developed in your life this far?

The ability to journey map and create belonging for projects / program design, with an innate ability to see / anticipate people’s motivations and needs for acknowledgement.

Share “A day in the life” of Naomi.

I wake up around 6am to have a little chat with my 14 year old high school freshman before she gets ready to leave for school (but I don’t get out of bed!). I read or write for an hour or so, scroll a bit .. and then get up to make coffee and take a shower. Usually a podcast or some music. I don’t start my work day or take any appointments until 10am.

My day is a hodgepodge of various hats: work (building a non-congregate shelter program as a COVID-19 / winter climate response project), campaign, two volunteer board member roles, mom-ing, etc.

I’m either calling/texting voters, attending zoom fundraisers or meetings, mapping and working on strategy deliverables, plotting social media plans, … all of the things! I take a break (nap, meditation, music) around 3pm, pick up kiddos from school in the late afternoon and jump right back into meetings, and more work. I venture downstairs for late afternoon chats with my HS senior, and do some cleaning up of the kitchen or laundry … and typically stay up until past midnight! Writing this makes me realize I need more protected space in my days!

What has been the biggest *aha* moment you’ve had being a part of the DGAW™ community?

There isn’t just one. The top three: (1) the INSTANT connection that I have been able to form with so many women, just by virtue of the trust bridge that Cyndie created when she turned her community intentions into building the group on Mighty Networks. (2) The realization that I needed bolstering. I knew in my heart that I was lacking unequivocal support from women who I didn’t need to explain myself to, or be “on” for. My head needed to also understand it, and seeing that support “on the screen” from other DGAW members is huge. (3) That the world needs me to be truly unapologetic.

What is a personal motto or phrase that best represents you?

Establish the riverbanks!! It means that we need to hold tight to our integrity and foundation, but when the riverbanks are solid, we can allow what happens in the middle, be fluid, inside of flow, and sometimes messy.

What is your greatest extravagance?

If I answer that from a place of financial extravagance, it’s allowing myself to purchase as many funky and unique earrings as I want, without paying any mind to my constantly growing collection. If it’s non-financial, then it’s 100% having moved ALL of my creature comforts to my bedroom. My husband lives in a different home / different state than I do, and so our bedroom (where I live in Nebraska with the kids) has become MINE. I have a couch, a comfy chair, my work desk, a coffee pot on his side of the bathroom! It’s my little haven and I adore it.

Why is community so important to you?

It’s literally crucial and imperative. I’m a huge believer in the power of online community, as something that is even more important to the in-person community, because online allows us to not have quite so many preconceived notions to work through before being in community with others. We can be ourselves, and find belonging.

If you could share only one life lesson, what would it be?

Only one? That kindness (not the act of being nice) and showing up are two of the most important things we need to remember when interacting with each other. That, and always ask yourself how you can be of service to someone else when entering a space (or a meeting, or an interaction — it helps shift expectations, pressure and awkwardness!).

You’ve been married for 18 years. Is there a secret?

We are exactly the opposite in many ways. And we live in different parts of the country; which works for us. He lives in Florida and I live in Nebraska with our children. He’s Republican and I’m a Democrat. He’s a full-on Marine and I’m, well, …not. Marriage should look like whatever works for you and your partner.

Anything we wouldn’t know by looking at you?

I am terrified of birds and I’ve been sober for a year.

Thank you, Naomi, for sharing your story with Dear Grown Ass Women™ and letting us get to know you.

To learn more and join our incredible global community of women over the age of 35 in our Dear Grown Ass Women™, head over to our site. We look forward to meeting you on the inside!



cyndie spiegel
Dear Grown Ass Women®

CYNDIE SPIEGEL is a Brooklyn based bourbon drinking yogi who is also a published author + TEDx speaker elevating the behavioral status quo of women everywhere.