To Riley: My own dear precious

Clara Conn
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2021

June 1, 1929, Tuesday Night

My own dear precious:

I can never tell you how much I enjoyed your letter this morning.

I have read it several times and almost had a “duck fit” each time. I have been walking on air so much today I hardly knew what I was doing.

Honestly if I continue to increase in being thrilled this place can’t hold me before the summer is over. That’s all right though, I am glad I am so exceedingly happy.

Sweetheart, I am glad you and Pat found the regulations such that it will not interfere with us. I am glad you told Frank, I suspect we will use him. It is good to have him in on it early so that he can help us plan. I surely don’t want him to tell it, for with several knowing it, it would soon be over the campus and we can’t afford to have a public wedding.

Photo by Damian Markutt on Unsplash

The Seannitt chapel would be a beautiful place. We could have our small group there with much privacy. Will the Chapel be open at that time? I can’t write. All I want to do is shout (you know, squeal) for gladness. How did Pat like the idea of Seannitt? I believe Doe said it was her next choice after home. Sweetheart, I can hardly wait. Won’t those days be great ones for us — — two great Climaxes and two great beginnings at the same time. I haven’t seen Seannitt Chapel since it is finished but I know it must be beautiful.

I believe we’ll try an enlargement from your cuts. I’ll see if they can’t finish this by the 4th. Your idea is a clever one. I want us to have them in a double frame later.

Little precious is ill but feels fairly well. She will be feeling quite well by the 4th.

Love and love

devotedly, Clara

