To Clara: My sweet precious one

Martin Luther Riley
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2021

June 7, 1929 Thursday Evening

My Sweet Precious One:

Your sweet, sweet letter arrived today made me happy. I had begun to feel very lonely but after reading such a sweet letter from my precious one, I feel somewhat better.

Say, I think so much of it, I mean to sleep with it tonight.

I have not seen very many of the College folds yet — however, I have met Frank and the Wilson girl. All are asking about you and interested to know what you were doing.

Sweet Precious, I really want you to put some steam behind Cole, so I may have my darling in picture before so much longer.

Listen, sweet, I left two or three dollars worth of stamps on my table in Bob’s room, or in that pigeon hole desk or on the table downstairs — several books of stamps held together by rubber band. Please have Bob to look them up and give them to you. Randle might help Bob look for them. They are in the room somewhere, for I had them the day before I left. The reason I remember all this so well, I had two or three dollars in sheet form in addition to the other. Guess someone borrowed them.

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

Precious, will write a newsy letter as soon as I learn the lay of the land. I am so happy to know you are taking care of yourself. Please continue. I know I shall have another letter from you tomorrow evening. I trust you are feeling fine. Tell Irene she will be doing me a very great personal favor by loving and caring for the most precious something in the world to me — precious Clara.

I love you, Riley

