To Clara: My own dear precious

Martin Luther Riley
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2021

June 11, 1929 Sunday Noon

My Own Dear Precious:

Don’t you think that your dear is smart? He worked eight hours yesterday and has put in four today and means to put in four more this afternoon. “Bess” wanted me to help her and too, I had rather help her work than do nothing, and too, it tends to prevent my being so lonesome.

“Ole Hannah” came in today. She was asking about you and bawling both of us out for not visiting her. I want you to write her some day while she is here. I have not had time to talk to her yet. I too, had a very short talk with Alma. She too, wanted to know everything. However I divulged nothing.

Sweet precious your letter today was very sweet. I hardly think I could stay away from you if it were not for a daily expression from you.

You have no idea how very much your letters inspire me with some sort of something that makes me want to become a greater man.

Mrs. Gentry wanted to know where you were. She said you looked so sweet and pure with those pretty red dresses you used to wear when down to her house for dinner.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I am happy to know you are whiling the time away very nicely. I am sure if I knew Missy and she knew me better, we would feel different toward each other. You can explain all this to her sometime. I know you are glad to have “cousin Irene” as your room-mate, for she is so sympathetic and too Irene is a very fine girl. I know she will look after you as much as any one could.

I am just thrilled to hear of the special care you are treating yourself with sweet precious. I trust you will continue and that each day will be able to deter the results.

Remember, precious darling your man is here in person but every chance his thoughts wander back to S.T.C. where his true love is wanting, waiting and yearning for that day of days to come when true happiness and love will begin in reality.

Your love,


