To Clara: My own sweet precious

Martin Luther Riley
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2021

June 11, 1929 Sunday Morning, Before Breakfast

My Own Sweet Precious:

Pat called down and suggested getting a letter started to Mississippi real early. So it would not do to let him get ahead of me. I am writing one in order that it may keep him company — no in order that my Sweet Precious will have one. Just somehow it makes me feel a bit forgotten for Pat to get a letter and I do not.

Sweet Precious, I had my second typhoid shot last Monday and my third one yesterday. I suspect they came too close to each other, for my third one is making me feel very punk today and last night and this morning. You may use your own judgement about taking them. Miss Betting can advise you better than I — However, I would always regret if you should happen to contact the typhoid without having the shots.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

John was too busy to see me yesterday and he asked that I see him today at two o’clock, in order that we might have time to discuss it thoroughly.

Darling girl, I loved your letter yesterday and I know I shall have a sweet special on my return from Bible Class this morning.

My little love girl is becoming sweeter and more dear to me as the time grows nearer for the great event and the new life which shall be ours in happy land.

I love you so dearly.


