To Clara: My sweet precious

Martin Luther Riley
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2021

June 15, 1929, Thursday Evening

My Sweet Precious:

I believe I dated your letter this morning Wednesday instead of Thursday. See I want an excuse to say a word or two to my darling precious. I have just finished my recitation work for the week — however, I have much library work to do this weekend as well as start a review for final tests next week.

Darling in what way are we to extend the invitations to the ones we want to be at our wedding, oral or written, formal or informal and when?

Seriously, if we are to take our bags to Nashville don’t you think you had better bring your things here in the little steamer trunk? Then I could send my things back in it and also yours if you had any you wanted to return from here.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

I received your letter this morning as usual — I know I love each one more and more. I am so glad your home folks are perfectly willing in every way. I hope you can get it over to them just how much we really love each other. I know it will make them feel happier over the taking on a new “son-in-law” (I believe that is the way to spell it). You know these new experiences coming on get my goat sometimes.

Remember, the nearer the time comes for you to come to be mine, the nearer I get to our little blue heaven.

I just live dreaming most of the time thinking of my darling and precious little love girl. I love and adore to the highest heights of romantic thrilldom.


About this series

This love letter is just one letter selected from dozens of love letters exchanged daily between Clara and Riley during their engagement in 1929. Read more letters at Dear Sweetheart.

