To Clara: My sweet precious darling

Martin Luther Riley
Dear Sweetheart
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2021

June 9, 1929 Sunday Morning

My House number (2315 Highland Ave. c/o Mrs. S. A. Gentry)

My Sweet Precious Darling:

Last night I carried Earon and his daughter to the depot in order that Earon might catch his train for S.T.C. Needless to say how much I would liked to have made the trip instead of him just to have had a few minutes with the greatest girl in the world — In fact I am so blue today. I do not want to go to church, so I shall remain in my little room and talk to you. I do not think it will be so hard on me after today since I shall be busy at work and will naturally have to think of that.

Now, I can close my eyes and in my imagination see and talk with you.

In fact I have been doing that this morning. On thing that hurts, I won’t hear from you today. Sue and Peabody male accommodations close at 12:00 noon on Saturday and not open any more until Monday. I do not think the mail is put in our boxes during the above time — However I am going up to the building in a short time to investigate. It seems that something will have to be done if I have to beg for a “Special one” to be sent from there at a time which will permit it to be delivered to me Sunday morning. Or I guess I shall have to try to forget some of my baby feelings, at least for a while. It was very cute. I was passing Dr. Payne yesterday. I did not think he knew me — nevertheless, I spoke to him. He spoke and added in a very friendly manner and said “where is your wife? From the way you two courted up here last year I thought you all would be married by now.” I said not yet with the emphasis placed on yet. He seemed to get lots of fun out of that. I think if you continue to get so familiar we shall place his name on our announcement list.

Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash

Frank’s little girl was here to see him graduate. She is a very cute little blond. Frank was asking all about you and wanted to know when you would be here. I told him I hardly knew, but I suppose “My Girl” would be here to see me graduate in August just as his was in June. However, I added that there were little bugs to be dropped into his ear and interest developed. He seemed to be very much interested, too he and his little girl seem to be very devoted to each other.

Yes, I am glad you like to act as secretary to your man. You can tell when any letter needs attention. If by filling out and returning a card will secure a book of some kind please do that. Yes it will be nice to write my S.S.Class and let it know I am not in town. No, I do not wish to be bothered by those constant but gradually less appealing letters. Yes, I destroyed 38, I think the number of which had never been opened. However, a few were from Coy and some of the others about a year old. I know she will bowl me over very much for not visiting her on my way up here. However, I can not help that. Yes, I would not be surprised at anything she might say or try to do. I surely hope that she does not come up here and I hardly think she will. Clara I have only a few past incidents in the past that I regret, but the above one, is one I regret very much but don’t let it bother you one bit. To have known other girls and women as I have given me a standard by which I can measure in part my estimation of other people.

So I really believe because of the above experience I can really and truly and sincerely appreciate your fine qualities, sweet disposition, wonderful personality, your self respecting woman hood and our happy relation more deeply and vicariously than if the above experience (though bitter over) had never been.

Dear precious heart continue to take good care of my precious darling for words will not convey my feelings toward her. Why I love you so dearly I do not know, but the fact is I do love you dearly and I am happy because I do. Man is not infallible and since human flesh is weak I know is shall make mistakes even in trying to show my appreciation for you, but may I say that such mistakes will be of the head and not the heart.

I want us to be the happiest couple in the world.

If this want is accomplished I feel — well know it will consume the spare time of both of us to make each other happy, and then therefore there will be no time left for unhappiness. Precious tell Irene to give you one good hugging and kiss for me, because I love you so dearly.


