Death Star Logs #4.260117

Akshay Gangwar
Death Star Logs
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2017

So, it’s been quite long. The last time I had time to write a Death Star Log, was back in July, 2016. Now, I know you’ve missed these random thoughts of mine, and the hidden reports of everything that’s going on at the Death Star; which is why I’m back. Enjoy!


…or a Brief History of Time

Quite a lot has happened since I last wrote a Death Star Log. The rebels attacked us, Luke Skywalker vanished because a kid he was training went rogue (no pun intended), R2D2 went silent, as well, then came back to life… and we found out the reason there was such a gaping flaw in the design of this — the Death Star. Turns out, that architect was brought along by force, and he never really wanted to help us! WHAT!? I told that fucking Director not to “choke on his aspirations”, but he has to pull stunts like this! We’re only trying to bring peace to the galaxy… if only someone would let me destroy a couple more planets, we’ll be right there.

On a more serious note, a lot of changes have happened at Beebom, as well. (For those of you that don’t know, Beebom is the company I work at. For more details, read the the older logs at my website.) Our video editor guy had to leave (Portik, you dumbass! Kab milega?), then we hired a couple new people, and it’s all slowly falling back into place. Work is getting even more fun, by the day. Something I didn’t think would be possible, because it already was a shit load of fun. But hey, new people, a lot more things to do, and talk about, and a lot of fun. So, yeah, I’m loving every single bit of working at Beebom.

Foosball is going well, and our YouTube channel crossed 100k subs back in December (we had a party, and you weren’t invited. Jelly?), plus I recently got to play around with Google Tango, which was fun. If you don’t believe me, ask Rupesh how much he loved making those videos (hahahahahahahahahaha!!! xD).

Since this is the recap, let me tell you a little bit about yesterday. We had quite a number of different meetings at work, which then resulted in me starting my article writing at 6, in the evening, as compared to around 12 noon. Yeah. Plus, I updated my laptop twice. First to a public beta of macOS 10.12.3, and then, to the macOS Sierra 10.12.4 Developer Beta. Which means, that I’m running a dev beta software on my daily driver machine… I like to live dangerously. Time Machine backups will be done very very frequently now.

It was a good day, yesterday, and one that I’m very happy about. I won’t expound upon the reasons, though. So you can keep guessing, while I smile slyly.

Republic Day

It’s the 26th of January, which is the Republic Day of India, which is why I’m at home, with enough time on my hands to write a log. It’s raining outside, and I’m loving every single minute of staying inside a warm blanket, with a mug of coffee, and my laptop keeping me company (MLSY DXZ EGUA NFAM). I think I might watch a couple episodes of “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, on Netflix as well.

To be quite honest, it feels weird staying at home on a Thursday… Not that I’m complaining.

See You Soon

I don’t really have a lot to write about today (LOL), and I don’t know why. I’m pretty sure that you’re happy about yet another completely useless Death Star Log coming to a close. I still don’t understand why you keep reading these.


I just received an email from Amazon, telling me that the keyboard I ordered (a Logitech G213 Gaming Keyboard), is out for delivery. One of the many reasons I love Amazon. I ordered it yesterday around 7 PM, and it was supposed to be delivered on Friday (tomorrow, that is), and it’s already out for delivery. Damn, Amazon. You never fail to amaze me.


Ok, I apologise for that random paragraph of childish excitement over a keyboard, but you don’t understand how excited I get about stuff.

Anyway, I’ll be signing off now. Rest assured, the Death Star is still functional, no matter what the movies may have led you to believe. Which means, that I’ll definitely be back with another Death Star Log, pretty damn soon.

Until then, may the force be with you.

