Act Natural // PROPAGANDA 08

Death To Stock
Death to Stock
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2016

This is an email sent out to the internal team at Death to Stock, but it’s been made public for those who are curious to follow our ideas and culture. You can sign up here (the email is way cooler fyi) →

Hey team,

I’ve been looking to develop a strategy for each social network we’re on, and it’s brought up an interesting concept that I’ve recognized us falling trap to.

First I’ll explain our strategy on Twitter, which has seemed to be gaining traction, and has been a ton of fun to put together. After testing out a bunch of different modes of being on the network, voices, personas, I realized that the best thing to do was to just be more natural to who we are.

It came in “DUH” moment, but the basic idea is this:

Twitter is our journal. It’s like the field notes of our brand, and we’re just opening it up to the world by sharing it in the feed. Since this whole DTS thing is about being on a mission to empower artists, and to help people create their own unique path, what we share should reflect that journey.

What’s cool about social networks, is we actually get to see what other people are thinking. We’re voyeurs. We can just share a quick untested idea and see if others in the world feel that way. It’s ideas tossed into the void and responses that are tossed back.

So I picture twitter as this personified version of our true selves. I picture a traveler, honing her craft, engaging with new ideas, spreading said ideas, taking notes about her heroes, asking questions, and scribbling them into a notebook.

Now, I don’t think this is successful because it’s a cool or novel idea, but rather that it’s exactly how we want to act, and are acting.

We keep ourselves from being natural in so many scenarios. We “fake it till we make it.” Or we try and look big when in reality we’re small.

People appreciate and are attracted to those being the most themselvesthey can be. So why take the opposite approach as a brand to try and prove something, when people can just see through you?

We feel a need or pressure to feel like you’ve got it together. Like your metrics are always rocking. You start speaking like you’re something else. Instead of just being who you are, seeing that as the real advantage, and communicating from that place.

I had a conversation about a new initiative with Shaun wherein we found ourselves saying “yeah I mean we already love doing x, and x is exciting to us, so why don’t we just continue that but share it with others?”

These types of ideas flow most naturally, so others can feel the realness. Instead of fighting in ambiguity about who we are, it’s accepting it and taking steps further down in that direction.

Sometimes hidden in plain sight is the exact way you should operate or communicate.

We were just blind because we thought there was someone else that we were supposed to be.

// David @deathtostock

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Death To Stock
Death to Stock

A lifestyle image resource + adventure catalyst for extraordinary creatives. Get to know us below