Good Morning DWD Supporters!
Great things are happening here in Maryland!
Yes, we got a bit more snow here last night. Just enough to make it pretty out. But with temps in the “feel like” 0–20s I will not be making any snow angels.
I’m up and working on the DWD issue this morning already. I’ve made great progress just in the last few days.
I’ve printed color maps and set up zones in my county as well as a neighboring county. I’ve mapped out zones of targets to schedule talks. I’ve also taken the initial steps of looking into MeetUp to schedule these events for people to have a place to go and RSVP as each location will have limited seating. Once I’ve made contact with targets I can hit the go button on MeetUp. I can’t see paying for a service that I’m not quite ready to use just yet. Oh, look. Fiscal responsibility!
I’ve asked MDELO to place a form letter on their website. They’re working on that now. This form letter is a letter to Congress. One of the few blanks you have to fill in is your rep’s name. I will have these letters with me everywhere I go. Simply fill it in and send it off. However, my suggestion is that you submit it to the site (remember I’m dealing with Maryland at this time) or if you see me out somewhere, give it to me once it’s complete. Let me tell you why I’m doing it this way.
If it’s in my hot little hands there will be a paper trail. For example. Let’s say I give a talk at the fire hall in your town. 57 people complete the form. I will scan all 57 which means they will be on my hard drive. Once scanned I will email them to MDELO. Now they have a copy as well. They in turn submit them to the congressional reps of Maryland. Meanwhile, I still have the originals filed by date & location.
This brings accountable to the table and pushes it to the forefront. ‘Oh, you didn’t know that 2687 people out here are for this? Here. Let me send you copies of all 2687 signed forms!’ They can’t say they didn’t know. As I plan I am attempting to close any loopholes and shut down any obstacle the opposition may throw in my path.
When you know, you know.
By using MeetUp and having literal hard copy of the signed forms as just two methods of tracking there is a documented trail.
Once I am in the throws of this activity I will be doing podcasts, radio, and print interviews. No. No TV. I’ll leave that to the fine folks at MDELO. They can record it at their location station(s) and have it sent to affiliates throughout the state of Maryland if that’s what they decide to do.
I’m doing grassroots work here, folks. I’m looking at town halls, fire halls, churches, etc. to hold these events. I don’t want a massive arena. I want these events to feel like a community of people gathering together and having a chat. Because that’s preciously what it is.
A coming together.
At long last.
I thank Trump’s return to the WH as have been given permission to speak of the things that had previously been deemed as unspeakable. I will be a voice that will speak the quiet parts out loud. And I’ve never been afraid to fight the minority that feels as though, with emphasis on “feels”, it’s perfectly okay to dictate their morality and life choices on the masses in Maryland.
That has got to stop.
I keep hearing Malcolm X’s words “by any means necessary” in my ears. While he meant violence I mean it to be Bard’s definition of the phrase.
“The phrase is part of a broader political idea that radical social change or liberation cannot be obtained by limiting one’s means to that which are considered “acceptable”.”
This means the politically correct bullsht ends here.
I mean seriously, have you read my X timeline?