So I Did This Thing This Week
Writing a DWD law that makes sense
Below is a copy of the tweet that I sent out this morning. It’s also an email I sent to my contact list. Once you’ve read this if you feel moved to do so I encourage you to pass this along via social media, email, word of mouth, or whatever works for you.
DWD. Death With Dignity. It has become my obsession for lack of a better term.
I’ve only had two lattes so cut me some slack.
Maryland has made yet another attempt at passing a DWD law (and failed) that has zero Dignity in it. I will write more about that later as I have a copy of the failed legislation in front of me. I can tell you what it and the law in ten states say (they’re all literally the same law) why they are woefully inadequate and what I propose to take its place. It is my goal to have a law in Maryland that will be the template for all of the other 49 states.
Here is my LinkTree link. I’m running out the door right now but will post this post below to my other account upon my return. You can always follow me on social media to stay abreast of how things are (or are not) progressing.
I encourage each of you to research the DWD law in your state.
More later and TTFN ~ Terry
I’ve made good on my “threat” to get involved in Maryland politics. This is not the state that I remember from my childhood. Yes, I believe in evolution. Nothing should remain static. Getting bigger, better, and stronger are all good things.
That is not what has happened here.
For too long citizens have sat back and railed against those in charge of running the once-great state. But most of the screamers didn’t even bother to vote. Dare I say that they couldn’t even tell you who was running for what office.
I was one of those people.
I was too busy with being a wife, a mother, an employee, a DIL, etc. that there simply wasn’t enough of me to go around to also be an involved citizen. We were told by those in charge not to worry that they were smarter than us anyway and they had it all under control.
Look where that got us.
As of this week, I have launched a grassroots effort in Maryland to get a sensible, compassionate Death With Dignity (DWD) law in place. I am talking to regular citizens such as myself about their stories. Many have been through with their family members what I have experienced first in healthcare working with dementia and hospice patients and with my own family members.
It was when I got so sick for nearly three years that I began to look into DWD laws as I thought I was going to need it for myself. It’s unfortunate for everyone from the Maryland legislature to satan that I have pulled through.
While my health waxes and wanes with the days, on the good days I light fire in the rain using some song lyrics here.
Yesterday, I emailed three different DWD advocacy groups in Maryland. I’ve heard back from one already. This morning I’m back on the road again in an effort to feel better once more but once I get back… It will be time to read and respond to some emails and get through this binder of info including a copy of the proposed DWD law that once again did not get passed and take it from there.
I need to clean up my LinkTree but it’s in my bio. Since this platform is so volatile I may or may not always be able to engage. However, I keep (most) of my other accounts up to date so you may want to choose one or two as a backup plan to stay abreast of where this movement is headed.
I fully expect to at the very least have a form letter anyone can fill out and send to their state’s representatives. Ten states have the exact same DWD law and it is woefully inadequate.
I’ll write a blog post about what is wrong with the law and what I propose as changes to be made.
In this process, I’m sure I’ll piss you off more than once. Don’t pull the cord and jump off the bus. Ride it to the end and see where it takes you.
That’s all I ask.