DeBank Swap, find the best price in the market

Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2020

— God said, “Find me the best price”, and here comes the DeBank Swap.

Today we’d like to introduce “DeBank Swap”, a game-changing price comparison tool that looks for the best on-chain price among various DEXes. DeBank Swap is totally free and it finds the optimal on-chain price offer (exchange rate + gas fee in total) among ~20 different AMM-based DEXes, orderbook-based DEXes (dYdX, DDEX…), and DEX aggregators (1inch, Paraswap…).

Why do you need a price comparison tool?

Undoubtedly, we’re experiencing a real breaking out in DeFi with an unimaginable TVL growth from $10B to $70B in less than 3 months and it’s still rocketing.

DeFi TVL on Ethereum

DeFi is obviously driving the bull market and has pushed the daily DEX trading vol to $520M on 14-Aug. You might miss this round of bull market if you’re not used to do on-chain trading.

Dex trading vol on Ethereum

The DeFi (“Don’t Expect Friendly Interface”) meme tells us current DEX UX could be largely improved. You might have to switch between multiple DEX UIs back and forth to compare different prices and swap routes to look for the optimal one among various AMM-based, orderbook-based DEX liquidity pools. 1inch has improved by aggregating part of the liquidity pools including AMM-based Uniswap but is still missing the rest on-chain liquidity.

The rising gas price on Ethereum could worsen your trading and turn your good price offer into a bad deal.

How does DeBank Swap look for the best price?

DeBank Swap has integrated almost all AMM liquidity pools, orderbook-based DEXes (dYdX, DDEX, …) and DEX aggregators (1inch, Paraswap, …). When you input your token and amount, it will bring information including price offer, gap between the average market price, estimated gas fee from ~20 DEXes back to you real quick.

DeBank Swap

Unlike 1inch and other DEX aggregators, DeBank uses an optimized price-comparison engine to look for price offers within a flash and updates your best choice in real time.

You can “Swap” your token on DeBank directly for most major aggregated DEXes or “go to swap” for the rest. DeBank Swap is totally free and will be the future standard for DeFi users to trade through.

In addition, DeBank Swap also provides a slippage monitor that displays “actual slippage” in the “Swap history” button.

How to use DeBank Swap

Visit and connect your MetaMask to get started (Wallet Connect under development). Feel free to find us for any question you got.




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