One-Stop DeFi Wallet Launched by DeBank

cooper wu
Published in
5 min readMar 11, 2020

We are delighted to announce that the DeFi “wallet” designed by our team has officially launched. We hope that DeBank can reduce barriers to learning about DeFi Apps for users by serving as a bridge between the two.

Different from the previous wallets in blockchain ecology, this “wallet” was designed only in favor of helping users to track and manage their DeFi assets. In the future, DeBank will be found in both centralized and decentralized wallets.

In 2019, DeBank team know and begun to get involved in DeFi Apps, and found that the traditional Ethereum wallet, whether centralized or decentralized, can only count and manage the token assets of users. It takes a lot of time to track and manage the assets on various DeFi platforms, we came up with the idea of designing a DeFi wallets “wallet” merely focuses on meeting users’ needs of tracking and managing their DeFi assets, regardless of whether their private key management are centralized or decentralized.

The first version of DeBank mainly launched two core functions:

Asset Management

In asset management overview page of your DeFi wallet. Users can check their total assets, liabilities, and net assets by inputting their Ethereum URL . Apart from the Token assets, the real-time state of various DeFi assets under the very URL can also be checked by users, as shown in the following figure:

Our current version of the asset management overview is mainly designed to support the following DeFi Apps:

  • MakerDAO — Decentralized Stablecoin Issuance Agreement
  • Synthetix — Synthetic Asset Issuance Agreement
  • dYdX — Leveraged Trading Agreement
  • Uniswap — Automatic Trading Agreement
  • Lendf.Me — Collateral Lending Agreement
  • DDEX — Leveraged Trading Agreement
  • Aave — Collateral Lending Agreement
  • bZx — Collateral Lending Agreement

After the launch of the current version of the asset management overview, our team will continue to make efforts to support DeFi Apps such as Tokenset, Iearn, Curve, so as to create a one-stop asset management experience for DeFi users.

Except for inputting their own Ethereum URL, users can also type any other addresses within the overview page to track the asset allocations of some of those top community players. We believe that, by accessing and learning those top players’ operation, users will be given yields beyond expectation.

Data Analytics Tools

For mass data is needed as a reference for users to decide which DeFi App they would like to choose, in this version of the wallet we also provide a data tool to help users to select their favorite DeFi product.It also included statistical data for four major markets: collateral learning market, stable currency market, leverage trading market, and spot trading market.

Collateral lending market is the most rapidly developed branch in the present sub-divisional fields of DeFi. We offer statistical data for major collateral lending platforms, including Lendf.Me and DDEX.

Our data tool shows statistical data for each collateral lending platform in three aspects: assets, yields, and liabilities. Regarding assets, we use capital scale, total deposits, total borrowings, and mortgage rate as indicators to evaluate the collateral lending platform. Not only can users view the present statistical data for the four indicators on each platform, but they can also check the historical data via the trend charts,which makes it easier for users to analyze information and make decisions. When it comes to yields, we provide critical indicators of returns such as deposit rates and lending rates for various tokens on each platform. In terms of liabilities, we count the total scale and details of the daily liquidation of debts on each platform.

stable currency acts as critical infrastructure in the field of DeFi. We offer the market scale of common stable currency as well as indicators on the 24-hour chain trading volume. By analyzing the market scale, the stable currency share can be estimated, and according to the 24-hour chain trading volume, we can assess the activity of the stable currency.

The leverage exchange is like Heaven for high-risk profit pursuers. We provide data on the position size and leverage ratio of the three decentralized leverage platforms of dYdX、DDEX and Nuo. Besides, we have listed the addresses, operations, and statistical data of yields of the chain investors in the sequence of the position size from big to small.

Spot Trading is the most popular trading business in DEXs. We show indicators on daily trading volume and the number of transactions and users of major DEXs. In addition, we offer details of each transaction concluded in different DEXs for the user’s reference.

Moreover, it can be seen that there are another three functions of the wallet that are still under development: deposit, exchange, and lending. These three services, together with the asset management overview and data tool, will serve as core functions of our DeFi wallet. Meanwhile, we will consider creating more exciting ways of playing and providing users with trading strategies from top investors on each DeFi platform as well as video tutorials about combined operations of DeFi.

The official website of can be used by DeFi fans to experience DeBank’s one-stop wallet. If you have any suggestions on our products, please feel free to contact us via Twitter, Telegram, etc.







