Being Digital

How does being digital effect the world of design?

Being digital is about embracing new technologies and introducing them into the way we work as designers. The world is constantly becominbg more reliant on technology and the internet. This map shows the internet connections.

“The United States dominates the data, with more than 50 million Wi-Fi networks identified — considerably more than the next highest country, Germany, which has almost 9 million networks.” (World Economic Forum).

We have become more reliant of technology and the internet to produce work as designers. A large group of people in the world will own a mobile phone and laptop, as well as a tablet. For many of us this excessive amount of tachnology is not nessisary. Some designers may argue it is important for theitrcareer, they need an IPad Pro to illustrate, and a desktop to work on photoshop, and their mobiles to stay connected on social media, Is this just the work of brands manipulating us to tell us we need all this?

“Approximately 1.7 billion people worldwide now belong to the “consumer class” — the group of people characterized by diets of highly processed food, desire for bigger houses, more and bigger cars, higher levels of debt, and lifestyles devoted to the accumulation of non-essential goods.” (National Geographic). The amount of technological waste is increasing, this is due to the consumerist sociery that makes us want to upgrade our technoogy . Under 10% of techological waste is recycled. This really highlights the enviromental impact that the upgrade culture has on the world.


