Hipster Culture

Sketch inspired by the documentary

The term hipster seems to be thrown around every day now, talking about hipster cafes, hipster interiors, hipster fashion. But what does it actually mean to be a hipster and live in this ‘hipster culture’.

The documentary described hipsters as people who want to live authentically and embrace the simple things, while also having a taste for luxury?

Being a hipster has become a trend, so much so that hipsters would find it too mainstream and offending to actually be labled as a hipster. Hipster has become a style of fashion, with plaid shirts, boots, man bun and not forgetting the iconic lumberjack beard.

You could say that the hipster lifestyle has helped and encouraged small business such as cafes or breweries. Now people want to go to a cafe with exposed brick and edison bulb lights to pay over £8 for one cup of coffee.

However bigger businesses are starting to take on this hipster style and aesthetic buy trying to incorporate selling points such as shopping locally, organic food and being more sustainable. But is this really a bad thing?

