Postmodernism & the effect on Graphic Design

In the movement of modernism we saw examples of design that followed the idea of ‘form over function’. From this we saw the beginning of a new movement named ‘Postmodernism’. This was the time of ornamental designs, referencing to history, humour and the unpretentious. So how did this effect graphic design? Is it still relevant to today?

We began to see postmodernist graphic deisgn in the beginning of the 1970s. This is where designers began to create freely. Bending and breaking the rules of design with the use off collage, distortion, vibrant colours and abstract type. However there were negative opinions about this era as some felt the movement was unoriginal. The movement incorporated styles such as techno,punk and grunge.

Tibor Kalman, 1993. Jamie Reid.
Wolfgang Weingart Typography. April Greiman, 1979.

I believe that postmodernism has influenced the way we design today. Postmodernist ways of thinking are still relevant as from that we were shown how to be expressive and to have fun with design.

