Speculative design

What is speculative design?

“Let’s call it critical design, that questions the cultural, social and ethical implications of emerging technologies. A form of design that can help us to define the most desirable futures, and avoid the least desirable.” (A, Dunne & F,Raby 2013)

Speculative design is all about how designs effect our future and how we can come up with alternative designs that will help to better the future. Design has an impact beyond the client or user. How doo these designs effect our environment and society. It is important as designers to consider the direct relationship relationship between what we design and the world they exist in. Speculative Design can offers and opportunityto look forward but also consider the hidden impact, influence. It prepares us for the challenges and how we might need to design based on technologies available and the potential state of the world at this time.


An example of critical/ speculative design is this art made by Erik Ravelo. This controversial pieces shows modern issues effecting our wold today, such as obesity, school shootings and pedophilia. He titled the project Los Intocables (The Untouchables). The project was designed to make a point about the state of childhood globally.

“My intention is not to offend anyone but make people think about a problem,” Erik Ravelo

