Should animals be kept in zoos?

Tony Koutsoumbos
Great Debaters Club
2 min readJul 21, 2016

Last night, Debating London hosted a public debate on whether animals should be kept in zoos. The speakers were members of of our training programme, the Great Debaters Club, who had spent the last week preparing their arguments for and against the motion. Below is a summary of what they said and how well it went down with our audience.

After the debate, we ran a focus group session to understand why the audience voted the way they did.

Source of definition: National Geographic

The Arguments

Audience reaction

Audience vote

Focus group feedback

Find out more about Debating London

If you would like to know more about our public debates series, which is free of charge and open to anyone, or our training programme, the Great Debaters Club, visit our website at



Tony Koutsoumbos
Great Debaters Club

Tony is the founder of the Great Debaters Club, a social enterprise that teaches adults how to debate.