Deblock and ICON: Global Mission Statement

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2 min readJun 23, 2018

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Deblock is a blockchain VC fund and accelerator firm founded by ICON, Korea’s leading blockchain protocol & AD4th Insight, a leading Korean blockchain marketing company.

Firstly it’s important to stress the relationship between Deblock and ICON. We have a vested interest in seeing the growth of the ICON ecosystem, and we provide investments, acceleration: marketing, token economics advice, and active networking while also providing incentives for companies to build on the ICON platform. We work extremely closely with the ICON team, and regularly attend meetings together with teams so that ICON can provide technical consulting and support.

However, we are happy to cooperate with and learn from projects in Korea and abroad that are interested in building on other platforms as well. The blockchain ecosystem is still in its extremely early stages and the network effects of having teams from diverse platforms converge will go a long way. We’re still at a stage where there’s a long road ahead of all blockchain platforms in terms of technical improvements and real world adoption. The network effects from cooperation will be substantial, especially more so for a project like ICON, a 3.0 blockchain protocol that supports interoperability with disparate protocols.

Currently our focus has been on Korea, not because we’re uninterested in global projects, but because there’ve been an explosion of Korean blockchain projects and we’ve been giving them our full and undivided attention.

It’s been 2 months, 2 Deblock Dapps Day events, and packed daily schedules with meetings with potential projects that range from household Korean company names to key global figures in the blockchain industry. From everything we’ve seen and done during this time, we can confirm that we’re thoroughly excited about the future of blockchain and ICON in Korea.

Deblock is currently positioned at the epicenter of Korea’s blockchain landscape and we believe we are in a unique position to meet with the majority of Korean blockchain projects. We plan to keep growing Deblock and have plans to expand Deblock globally across several regions beyond just Korea and Asia. We also have certain global initiatives lined up to expand Deblock’s global presence and connect with blockchain projects as well as the general crypto community.

At Deblock, our goal is to invest in and accelerate the global digital economy.

Whether you are part of a project team looking for consulting or advice on the Korean blockchain scene or the ICON ecosystem, or whether you’re part of the crypto community who wants to better understand the Korean market, we have you covered. We understand the value of the crypto community, and we will keep you in the loop with future updates.

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Blockchain VC firm & Accelerator, founded by ICON. Seoul Launchpad of ICX Station.