Debrief Announces Partnership with Harmony

Debrief Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2020

Today, the Debrief team is proud to announce a new partnership with Harmony.

Harmony Technology is a global-scale marketplace platform with decentralization at its core. Harmony’s open infrastructure and low-fee consensus platform will help to power decentralized economies of the future.

“We’re excited about our strategic partnership with Harmony — one of the first steps towards mainstream, traditional adoption of our middleware,” said Jeff Pulver, Co-Founder of Debrief. “We now have strong momentum, and we are working toward adding exponential value to the Harmony ecosystem so users worldwide can access the benefits of Debrief’s data privacy.”

Debrief will offer dAPI middleware to the Harmony ecosystem and will also collaborate with Harmony in future marketing campaigns.

About Harmony

Harmony is a fast and secure blockchain with key innovations in state sharding and peer-to-peer networking. Its sharding uses secure proof-of-stake and decentralized randomness, and its networking achieves optimal cross-shard routing and fast block propagation. Built by a 12-person team featuring 7 engineers from Google, Apple, & Amazon and 2 PhDs. Currently, Harmony’s team is counting more than 25 engineers and an extended team of 50 contributors.

Harmony’s technical architecture implements a full & secure sharding scheme, efficient consensus, and scalable networking infrastructure. Harmony relies on a secure sharding process, where validators are distributed into shards based on randomness that is both unpredictable and unbiased. Harmony is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain, where validators need to stake a certain number of tokens to be eligible for block validation. Harmony integrates an efficient consensus protocol called FBFT that combines BLS multi-signature and view change protocol to achieve high robustness and low latency. With the adoption of networking technology including RaptorQ fountain code and Kademlia routing, Harmony is able to achieve cross-shard transactions that scale sub linearly by the number of shards.

Both Debrief and Harmony are excited to work together to continue bring blockchain and decentralized finance into the mainstream!

About Debrief

Debrief’s mission is to create a communication network solution that no longer exposes confidential information, but instead, reduces the costs incurred for security and truly secures sensitive business and personal data on the blockchain. Debrief not only has been built to support multiple secure and private communication functions and applications, it has also been developed to include layering with other mainstream blockchains and have a diverse ecosystem of applications building on top of it. Debrief’s unique middleware is a layer that can be added into any mainstream, centralized applications to enable Debrief’s secure blockchain authentication and functionalities within their platform using top blockchains infrastructure.



Debrief Blog

Blockchain Communication: The Future of Security & Privacy