Facebook is fined, and 9 million hacked from an Easy Jet Scandal — Debrief’s Data News Roundup

Debrief Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2020

Facebook has made headlines again, this time fined for CAD$9 million for mishandling user data on Facebook Messenger and sharing information with third parties. Easy Jet is the latest airline to be targeted by hackers, with 9 million customer’s travel and credit card information being accessed by a sophisticated hacker. Finally, in positive news, blockchain is being considered as a key safety tool in the legal world.

Canada fines Facebook almost $6.5 million USD over ‘false’ data privacy claims:

Canada’s Competition Bureau issued a press release addressing that Facebook is being fined $9M CDN due to the third party access that the app gave to Facebook Messenger. Users were not properly notified:

According to the Bureau, Facebook gave the impression that users could control who could see and access their personal information on Facebook platform when using privacy features. However, “Facebook did not limit the sharing of users’ personal information with some third-party developers in a way that was consistent with the company’s privacy claims.”

Read the full article below:


EasyJet admits data of nine million hacked:

Nine million travelers’ data was exposed in the latest airline hacking scandal, this time involving EasyJet. It is reported that customers were targeted via phishing attempts, and 2,208 customers had their credit card details accessed:

EasyJet first became aware of the attack in January.

It told the BBC that it was only able to notify customers whose credit card details were stolen in early April.

“This was a highly sophisticated attacker. It took time to understand the scope of the attack and to identify who had been impacted,” the airline told the BBC.

Read the full article below:


Ways By Which Blockchain Will Modify The Legal Sector:

The legal sector is the latest sector to realize the benefits of adopting blockchain. From the transfer of documents regarding court cases, to changes in documentations, blockchain technology can keep and transfer information in a safe and secure way:

Blockchains offer a great solution for the timely, safe, and efficient management of archives that support civil and criminal court cases. Records stored in a blockchain can be shared among all system participants without fear that their security and integrity will be compromised.

Changes in the legal status of a defendant would be documented and notified instantly so that the different actors involved — witnesses, victims, lawyers, public, prosecutors, etc. — could keep abreast of these changes.

Read the full article below:


The need for large scale companies to adopt Debrief’s unique middleware is needed now more than ever. Debrief allows for other applications to build a more robust security system on the blockchain network will combat cyber-crimes. This puts the trust back into larger companies, and protects user data, once and for all!

That’s all for this week!

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