The Privacy Diaries: Why Deloitte’s Security Model Needs an Overhaul, and Here’s How to Fix it.

Debrief Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2020

With the steady increase in cybercrime over the last 5–10 years, criminals have become increasingly sophisticated at breaching major organizations. The reward for them is extremely high, with over $2 Trillion USD being lost to cybercrime in 2019. There is an urgent need for a solution to protect valuable data.

Current security models are lacking

In 2017, Deloitte, one of the world’s “big four” accounting firms, also known for their high-end cyber security, was hacked, exposing many big client’s confidential information — including information from US government departments.

The scariest part about Deloitte’s data breach was that they discovered the hack in March of 2017, but investigators believe the attackers may have had access to Deloitte’s system since October of 2016. This means that there was a full 4–5 months before anyone noticed anything. For a firm known for their high-end cyber security, that is totally unacceptable.

Any information, no matter how small, obtained by hackers is extremely valuable to them. Client’s email can be used in malicious ways, like phishing. In addition to client’s emails, hackers had access to usernames, passwords, and IP addresses.

Centralized and cloud-based networks are unstable, any problem that affects the central server can generate chaos through the whole system.

Decentralized everything

Blockchain as a technology has made some major strides over the last 3–5 years. New use cases are emerging all the time, but none are more important than data security. With the increase in cybercrime ever so apparent, the use of blockchain technology has become a must to combat data breaches.

The Debrief network, especially the middleware component, provides a secure alternative for business and individuals alike to increase their data privacy. Using blockchain technology, Debrief provides secure blockchain authentication, data encryption, decentralized storage, and plenty more.

Cyber criminals are always finding new ways to breach valuable company information, and we need a solution to combat that. The use of blockchain can be practically bulletproof to cybercrime.



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