Isaac’s $49K Debt

“I knew what I was getting into…”

Debt Collection
1 min readJun 25, 2014


University of California, Santa Cruz
B.A. Cultural Anthropology
Current Debt: $49,317

I work in Advertising Sales.

I recently told my younger sister: When you have to pay for college yourself I think it is exceedingly important to realize and fully understand the cost of your education. If you’re smart you will use that as motivation to make every minute of your college experience count. That is how you will truly value the knowledge you’re gaining. Knowing I was going to be paying this off, probably for the rest of my life, I wanted to really come away from it feeling like I got my money’s worth.

So I guess I would say, “Take school seriously,” it would feel pretty bad to realize you just paid $60,000 or more to party for a few years.

