Decoding Golang: Lessons from My Maiden Backend Venture

Debugging Diaries
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2024


I embarked on a journey to enhance my Golang proficiency and found inspiration in the notion of initiating my inaugural backend project. While I had prior professional experience with Golang, the opportunity to start a project from scratch had eluded me. Eager to immerse myself in hands-on learning, I decided to kick off this endeavor with a straightforward yet impactful project focused on ‘Restaurant Management.

Setting the Stage

Fueled with enthusiasm, I enthusiastically initiated the setup of my development environment. Recognizing the importance of focus to prevent distraction and potential abandonment, I made a strategic decision to confine my project scope to the backend exclusively. Opting for simplicity, I chose MongoDB for its compatibility with my use case and leveraged my prior experience with the database to streamline the development process.

Project Structure

With our development environment in place, it was time to dive into coding. Amidst the plethora of frameworks for project development, I opted for Gin, drawing parallels with my past experience using Flask. This choice facilitated a smooth transition into Golang development. To enhance organization and efficiency, I meticulously divided the entire project into modular components, each dedicated to solving a specific purpose.

  1. Main Module -> This module lays the foundation and configures the initial setup for Gin, the chosen framework.
  2. Routes Module -> Responsible for managing all project routes, it efficiently directs requests to the designated controller functions.
  3. Controller Module -> Housing functions that dictate actions for specific requests, this module is pivotal in defining the project’s behavior.
  4. Middleware Module -> Essential for request authentication, the middleware module ensures the security and integrity of the system.
  5. Helper Module -> Curated with useful functions, particularly focused on user authentication and authorization, the helper module enhances overall project functionality.
  6. Database Module -> Serving as the bridge to the database, this module facilitates seamless connections and enables CRUD operations, ensuring efficient data management.

Key Features Implemented

In narrowing down the project’s scope, I carefully curated a set of features to maximize functionality and user experience:


  • Users can effortlessly sign up or log in using a username and password.
  • Upon successful authentication, users receive a token enabling them to execute subsequent operations.

Food Ordering

  • Authorized users enjoy the convenience of ordering food items for a specific table.
  • Flexibility is incorporated, allowing users to edit their orders as needed.

For Restaurant Manager
Empowered restaurant managers can perform various tasks:

  • Add and update food items in the database.
  • Create and maintain menus utilizing the available food items.
  • Access and modify order items for a specific order.
  • View orders associated with a particular table.
  • Retrieve and manage all or specific invoices stored in the database.

Invoice Generation

  • Authorized users have the capability to seamlessly generate and edit invoices corresponding to specific order IDs.

Lessons Learned

Reflecting on the completion of this comprehensive project, I’ve distilled three key learnings that have significantly enriched my development journey:

  1. Strategic Scope Definition: The importance of precisely defining the project scope early on cannot be overstated. By focusing on essential features during initial development, I maintained motivation and avoided distractions, ensuring a more efficient and satisfying project completion.
  2. MongoDB Aggregation Mastery: A standout learning involved gaining a profound understanding of MongoDB’s aggregation functions. This newfound knowledge will be further explored and delved into in future articles, promising a deeper exploration of this powerful database tool.
  3. Effective Project Structuring: The significance of structuring a project meticulously became evident. Organizing code in a systematic manner not only facilitates ease of work but also minimizes time wasted on searching for specific code segments. This lesson underscores the importance of maintaining a structured approach to project development.

Future Development

While the current iteration of the project boasts fundamental functionality, there exists ample room for enhancement and expansion. Here are three areas where future improvements could be considered:

  1. Role Segmentation for Enhanced Security: The project currently lacks role segmentation, such as distinguishing between roles like Waiter, Manager, and Chef. Implementing role-based access control would significantly bolster security by restricting user access to specific endpoints. This feature can be incorporated in future iterations to ensure a more nuanced and secure user experience.
  2. Table Reservation Functionality: To further elevate the user experience, introducing table reservation functionality could be a valuable addition. Enabling users to reserve specific tables enhances the flexibility and convenience of the system. This enhancement opens up possibilities for future iterations to cater to a broader range of user needs.
  3. Reporting and Analytics Integration: The integration of reporting and analytics features can transform the project into a more insightful and data-driven management tool. By providing information on top-selling and least-selling items, peak hours, and other relevant data, users can make informed decisions to optimize business operations. Future updates can focus on implementing robust reporting functionalities to extract valuable insights from the data available.


This Golang-centric journey began as a means to refine my programming skills, but it evolved into a rich learning experience encompassing both technical and non-technical facets. The insights gained from this endeavor have proven invaluable, extending beyond coding proficiency. As the journey continues, the lessons learned will undoubtedly shape future projects. Until then, keep coding and embracing the perpetual learning journey!

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Debugging Diaries

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