Create Sample Test User: Pega How-to Guide

Next, we shall create a sample test user to facilitate demonstration and testing. The user will be named “DBeaver”, who is the administrator of the application.

For simplicity, we will also use the same user in other Pega How-to Guides.

If you had already created this user, you do not need to create it again, however, you would still need to assign the new access group of the application to this user.

Instructions for creating a new user, as well as granting existing user access to the new application are shown below, please follow the steps in the relevant section.

Creating New Users for The Application

This section explains how to create new users for a given application.

Note: If you would like to use an existing user instead of creating a new one, please skip this section and go to the next section, which provides details on how to grant existing user with access to your new application.

To create new users, follow these steps:

1) Click on “Records Explorer
2) Look for “Organization” and click its arrow on the left to expand it
3) Right-click on the “Operator ID
4) On the context menu that pops up, click on the “Create

The following diagram illustrates the steps:

Figure 13: Creating a New Operator ID

On the create form, enter “DBeaver” for both the fields shown below, followed by clicking the “Create and open” button:

Figure 14: Creating Operator ID

With the DBeaver Operator ID opened, under the “Profile” tab, set the access group as “DBRest:Administrators”.

Note: If you did not use the “DBRest” as the application name earlier, you might need to replace the “DBRest:”with whatever application name you have created instead.

The following screen shows a sample of the Profile tab.

Figure 15: Sample of DBeaver With ExpXLS:Administrators Access Group

Note: Just a reminder: the above screenshot was for “ExpXLS” application. If you had created your application as “DBRest”, you need to ensure that it is reflected accordingly above.

Click on the “Security” tab, followed by clicking on the “Update password” button.

Figure 16: Sample of DBeaver Access Settings

In the dialog that popup as shown below:

Figure 17: Changing Operator ID Password

Enter “rules” for both the highlighted fields above. After that, click the “Submit” button.

Note: Changing the password to [rules] is solely for convenience and demonstration purposes. If you are not able to use this simple password, it is likely that there are some password policies enforcing this. In such a case, the simplest way is to choose a more complex password that adhere to the policy. Please remember the password!

Back in the “Security” tab, optionally, you may tick the “Allow rule check out” if you desired.

As a best practice, it is always better to enter some documentation in the “History” tab, as shown below.

Figure 18: History Tab for DBeaver Operator ID

Once you have made all the changes, click on the “Save” button to save the changes.

Figure 19: Saving Operator ID Changes

Testing the DBeaver User

First, logout from the current operator by clicking on the operator icon on the top right, followed by clicking on the “Log off”, as shown below.

Figure 20: Logout from Pega

After logout, by default, you would be presented with the login screen. Enter the “DBeaver” username and its corresponding password [rules], followed by clicking on the “Log in” button.

Figure 21: Login as DBeaver

The most important thing that you need to validate after login is that the “Application” shown should relate to your newly added application access group, as shown below.

Figure 22: Sample Showing ExpXLS Selected as the Current Application

Note: The above screenshot shows that of “ExpXLS” application, however, you should be looking for the “DBRest” instead.

Yes, I know, I am nagging a lot here, but that is what I always do to my students, till the moment when they are able to jump in and say: “Stop! I know I should be looking for DBRest, not ExpXLS! ”

Note: If the given user has multiple application access groups, you would need to click on the current application, followed by navigating to “Switch Application” and then clicking on your desired application to switch to.

Granting Existing User with Access to The New Application

In this section, we will look at how to grant existing user, with access to our new application.

Note: The following example is assuming that you are granting the access to “ DBeaver”. If you are granting the access for other user, use that user’s name for the following instruction instead.

In the top right corner of Designer Studio, do the following:

1) Enter “DBeaver” in the search box
2) Click on the search button

Figure 23: Searching for DBeaver Operator ID

In the search result below, click on the “DBeaver”.

Figure 24: Search Results for Operator ID

With the Operator ID rule opened, perform the following:

1) Click on the “+” icon to add a new Access Group
2) In the new row of Access Group, enter the access group as: DBRest:Administrators
3) Click the Radio button beside this new access group to set it as the default
4) Click the “Save” button to save the profile

Figure 25: Example of Adding “ExpXLS:Administrators” Access Group to Existing Operator

Once saved, logout from the current user and then login as DBeaver.

Once login, apart from the default application, you should also see a list of other applications that DBeaver can switch to, as shown below.

Figure 26: Example of DBeaver With 2 Application Access Groups

With the application and test user created, we can proceed to the next step.

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Debunkum Beaver
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