Accelerate Android App Development With Key Features of Kotlin

Harpreet Singh
Debut Infotech
Published in
6 min readJul 13, 2023


android app development

Kotlin has become a popular programming language for making Android apps because it has a clear syntax and better performance. It is a modern, statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains. It is designed to be completely compatible with Java and is mainly used for developing Android mobile applications.

Kotlin aims to address the limitations of Java and offers features like concise syntax, null safety, extension functions, coroutines, and smart casts. With its seamless integration with existing Java codebases and enhanced support in Android Studio, Kotlin has gained popularity among developers. It provides a more productive and reliable development experience, enabling the creation of high-quality Android applications.

In this article, we will go through some important Kotlin features that enhance Android app development, as well as the availability of Kotlin developers.

Importance of Kotlin in Android Application Development

Kotlin was initially developed in 2011 by JetBrains, a software product development company based in Russia. It has undergone further enhancements with time to meet the ever-changing requirements.

As a statically typed programming language, Kotlin is capable of running on the Java virtual machine (JVM). It is a versatile programming language that combines features from both object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This unique combination facilitates faster compilation and enhances the overall development process.

Kotlin is useful now because it is open-source and has many options for creating mobile apps. It has long been a helpful tool for Android programmers. It addresses issues that arise when working with Java, providing developers with flexibility, security, clarity, and tool support.

Popular Companies Using Kotlin For Developing Android Mobile Apps

Kotlin is a long-term player in the programming landscape, and businesses need to recognize its importance. Choosing Kotlin as part of the mobile app development technology stack is crucial for businesses, as it provides speed, accuracy, flexibility, and stability to tackle complex business challenges effectively.

android app development

Here are some popular companies using Kotlin for Android app development:

  • Netflix
  • Pinterest
  • Basecamp
  • Uber
  • Coursera
  • Trello
  • Google

Why Are Businesses Turning Towards Kotlin?

When businesses make the decision to adopt a new tool, it is a carefully considered move. The introduction of a new tool is intended to address existing challenges in a more streamlined and effective manner. In recent times, numerous businesses have demonstrated their endorsement of Kotlin by embracing it for Android app development. The key reasons behind this growing trend include:

Support: With Google formally embracing the language, the Android app development ecosystem will be expanded, as will technical support and other business features. It also implies increased knowledge-sharing among Android app developers.

Easy Migration: Second, companies can easily switch to Kotlin, which makes the whole process easier. Along with making the language easy to learn, it also makes it easier to accept.

Reduced Development and Maintenance Costs: Kotlin has a promising future in the Android application development ecosystem. The lower cost of app development and maintenance for Kotlin initiatives is an enormous benefit for any business. It has many excellent linguistic characteristics and is concise, assuring higher quality and a quicker turnaround time.

Features Of Kotlin That Improve The Android App Development Process

Before you get to those features, remember that these are all about using context and making Android apps. So, you should already know how to use Jetbrains’s Android studio.

android app development
  • Concise Code

Developers can create clear, readable code with Kotlin’s concise and expressive syntax. Because of its simplified syntax, less boilerplate code is written, increasing productivity and reducing development time. Developers can write attractive and concise code usinh Kotlin’s expressive features like lambda expressions, type inference, and extension functions.

  • Java Interoperability

Kotlin works well with Java codebases that are already in place. This makes it easy to switch Java projects to Kotlin in the future. Because of this interoperability, developers can use several libraries and frameworks in the Java environment while also taking advantage of Kotlin’s modern features. Kotlin is compatible with Java, which makes the switch easy and lets developers use Kotlin’s powerful features without giving up their current Java code.

  • Null Safety

Null pointer exceptions, or NPE, are a popular cause of bugs when making Android apps. Kotlin solves this problem by having built-in safety features for null.

Kotlin’s type system can tell the difference between nullable and non-nullable types. This makes null pointer errors less likely to happen. It checks at compile time to make sure that null values are treated correctly, making Android apps more reliable and stable overall.

  • Data Classes

Data classes are the backbone of any code, and when they are made, they often have a lot of boilerplate code that isn’t needed for most tasks. Developers have to ignore code that can’t be used and find tools that can be used.

Java codes carry so much weight because they also meet the needs of web development solutions. Because making Android apps isn’t as complicated as making iOS apps, Kotlin can give the same amount of code in fewer lines. Data classes in Kotlin help writers save time and keep things simple.

  • Coroutines

Kotlin coroutines offer developers a convenient approach to both synchronous and asynchronous programming. The ‘kotlinx.coroutines’ library is developed by JetBrains that provides support for coroutines.

Coroutines are lightweight threads that can be utilized with minimal resource consumption. Creating multiple threads can be costly when it comes to executing resource-intensive tasks that involve long-running computations and consume a significant amount of memory. Kotlin coroutines solve two problems:

1. Main thread blocking: Prevents intensive calculation activities from stalling the main thread.

2. Main-safety: Allows main thread calls to suspended functions.

  • Higher-Order Functions & Lambdas

Higher-order functions and lambdas are supported in Kotlin, allowing developers to regard functions as first-class citizens. Higher-order functions allow functions to be passed as parameters or returned as results, improving code reuse and supporting functional programming paradigms. Lambdas enable developers to build more expressive and flexible code by providing a succinct vocabulary for defining anonymous functions.

  • Extension Functions & Properties

With Kotlin’s extension functions and properties, developers can add new features to current classes without having to change the source code. This feature makes it easier to reuse code and encourages a flexible way of making Android apps. By adding custom functions to existing classes, developers can write code that is more concise and clear. This makes Android apps easier to manage and expand.

Is Kotlin Android’s Future Programming Language?

There is compelling evidence that Android developers are choosing Kotlin more and more frequently. One of the most widely used programming languages for creating Android apps, Kotlin has seen a considerable increase in popularity since Google officially declared support for it in 2017.

In addition to being more productive than Java due to its enhanced syntax and safety features, Kotlin’s compatibility with Java enables developers to use Java code and libraries that already exist. Kotlin is currently the favored language for creating Android apps, according to Google. It is an attractive option for Android development due to all of these features, and it is probable that it will continue to gain popularity.


By now, you have likely discovered how Kotlin has revolutionized Android app development, making it easier and more efficient. As a result, many Android app development companies have started embracing Kotlin, leading to an increased demand for Kotlin app developers in the near future. This is a great opportunity for Java developers to embrace this technology and explore new avenues in Android mobile app development.

At Debut Infotech, we provide top-notch Kotlin Android Development Services to our esteemed clients. Our dedicated Android app developers are committed to delivering innovative and high-quality mobile applications to a wide range of clients, from startups to large enterprises. Hire our Android app developers today and benefit from our exceptional services.



Harpreet Singh
Debut Infotech

A pioneer in Mobile, Blockchain, Managed Services, Oracle, and AI/ML Development.