Native Mobile App Development: Pros, Cons, Challenges & Alternatives

Harpreet Singh
Debut Infotech
Published in
7 min readJul 11, 2023
Native Mobile App Development

Before diving into development it is essential to understand the landscape of native mobile apps. Today there are millions of mobile apps available on Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store, targeting approximately 16 million mobile devices. As people’s dependence on smartphones continues to grow, it becomes essential for businesses to invest in mobile apps. If you want to take advantage of such a huge customer base, you must develop a mobile app for your business.

There are different approaches to the mobile app development process, however, choosing one is highly dependent on your business goals and needs. Four popular approaches include:

  • Native Mobile App Development
  • Cross Platform Development
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Hybrid App Development

Native vs cross-platform app development is a never-ending debate that leaves entrepreneurs in a dilemma. Although we are not going to discuss the comparison, we will talk about native mobile app development in detail. So, let’s get started…

What Is Native Mobile App Development?

As the name implies, native apps are software programs created especially to execute on a device at the operating system level. Therefore, they must be downloaded or installed on a smartphone or tablet from the App Store or Google Play Store. The base of a native app is a binary code that communicates directly with the mobile operating system, such as iOS or Android.

Native apps are built for a particular device and OS. These apps can make use of the device’s hardware and software. Additionally, it gives the developer access to the system’s in-built functionalities like cameras, Bluetooth, GPS, and more.

Commonly Used Tools For Native App Development

Native app development tools are software that allows programmers to develop apps for specific systems, platforms, or devices, like iOS, Android, or Windows. This means that the following tools for building native apps will only work for the Android platform or the iOS platform. Because they are made that way so they can work with that system and use the apps and features that have been made for that platform.

mobile app development

Here are some tools for making native mobile apps:

Development Tools For Android Apps

  1. Android Studio

The most popular Android app development environment is Android Studio. It’s the official IDE for creating Android apps. Android Studio provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface for modifying code, fixing bugs, and testing mobile devices. It’s available for no cost and has Google’s backing, plus there’s a sizable and active group of programmers working on Android devices.

2. Eclipse

Eclipse is one of the most preferred development tools that was created and established before Android Studio. Eclipse gives you a clean place to work on your app’s code and a set of tools to make it exactly how you want it. Despite Google’s withdrawal of support, many programmers continue to use Eclipse for Android development due to the fact that it is compatible with so many languages.

3. IntelliJ IDEA

The goal of IntelliJ IDEA is to improve developer efficiency when creating native mobile apps. The sophisticated coding help and user-friendly layout make programming not only rewarding and fruitful but also fun and interesting.

It aids programmers in multiple ways, including static code analysis, refactoring, code completion, and task management. This IDE supports several platforms, including macOS and Windows, simplifying the app development process. In addition, it works with a number of programming languages, including Scala, Kotlin, and Java.

Development Tools For iOS Apps

  1. CodeRunner

CodeRunner is a popular iOS app development tool and is useful for developers mostly because of its code compilation capabilities. One can use it to develop powerful and sophisticated apps. CodeRunner is extremely lightweight and supports 25 programming languages. It includes a built-in console, a superior text editor, and customizable key binding. Developers can live-check faults and build efficient code without interfering with the app code.

2. Xcode

Xcode, similar to Objective-C, was the original IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used by Apple. It was launched in 2003 and used for developing apps in iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS. It offers an integrated workflow and an easy-to-use platform for programming, testing, and debugging errors.

3. AppCode

AppCode is a tool that was made by JetBrains and is very powerful. The tool works with different computer languages, such as JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, and C++. This tool can be used by iOS app developers to make apps for all Apple devices.

Advantages of Native Mobile App Development

native mobile app development
  • High Performance

Since native apps are tailored to a single operating system, they typically run more efficiently and load content more quickly than their online and hybrid app counterparts. It can even assist in increasing user engagement and loyalty.

  • Improved Security

Native applications are completely safe and secure because they function on mobile and can also use mobile security capabilities. A comparable app store also provides full support. As a result, native applications always receive high-quality upgrades.

  • Ultimate UI/UX

Compared to web or hybrid apps, native apps can offer a more engaging, interactive, and responsive user experience. They may build a recognizable and understandable interface using platform-specific UI/UX components, which can increase user happiness and engagement.

  • Offline Accessibility

Some mobile app functions are simple to use offline, which is helpful for residents of areas with spotty or nonexistent internet connectivity. It contributes to increasing app usage and enhancing user experience.

Disadvantages Of Native Mobile App Development

mobile application development
  • High Development Cost

Two native applications require two separate development teams. Obviously, you can begin with iOS mobile development, earn money, and then hire android mobile app developers. However, you must be aware that the applications must replicate each other’s functionality, making parallel execution more convenient. In addition, if you only target one segment of the audience, you will lose out on the other.

  • Less Flexibility

One disadvantage of native app development is the limited flexibility it offers. Native apps are designed for a single platform, such as iOS or Android, which means separate development efforts are required for each platform. This can result in higher costs, longer development timelines, and reduced flexibility for cross-platform compatibility.

  • More Development Time

Native app development takes longer because these apps are created for various platforms. Furthermore, work completed on one platform cannot be replicated for another. To work on the different OS versions, different teams are required. Native app developers must devote their time to coding for one particular operating system.

  • Upgrades & Maintenance

Native apps require continual maintenance and upgrades to ensure compatibility with the most recent platform versions and devices. This can be a tremendous amount of work and expense for developers, especially if they need to maintain several versions of the program across multiple platforms.

Challenges Of Native Mobile App Development

Although there are many advantages to developing native mobile apps, there are also certain obstacles and things to think about. Among the most difficult aspects of creating apps for native mobile platforms include:

Platform-Specific Development

Native apps for iOS or Android require distinct codebases. This can raise development time and expense and require knowledge of multiple programming languages and tools.

Fragmentation and Compatibility Issues

Native app fragmentation and compatibility issues may occur due to the large diversity of devices and platform versions. Developers must test and optimize their programs for numerous devices and operating systems, which can add time and money to the development process.

Maintenance and Updates

Native apps require continual maintenance and upgrades to ensure compatibility with the most recent platform versions and devices. This can be a tremendous amount of work and expense for developers, especially if they need to maintain several versions of the program across multiple platforms.

Alternatives To Native Mobile App Development

Although many companies and entrepreneurs prefer native app development over others, there are some popular alternatives. These popular alternatives include Hybrid app development and Web App Development. Here we will compare these alternatives to native mobile app development based on some important factors:


Native apps work better than the other two because they can access device parts and functions.

User Experience

Web applications require fewer updates than native applications in order to provide an excellent user experience. Hybrid applications target a broader audience and have minimal update requirements. Thus, hybrid is the superior option.

Development Cost

Native apps have high development costs, whereas hybrid apps have a single codebase, which reduces costs. Because of their more complex functionalities, web apps cost slightly more than hybrid apps.


Do you need a reliable and knowledgeable partner to help you create native apps? Debut Infotech is the company you’re looking for. Our team of skilled developers has years of experience and can help you make apps that are high-quality, effective, and engaging.

Our professionals will assist you in every step of the app development process, whether you’re starting from scratch, updating an existing app, or migrating to a new platform. We have extensive experience in native mobile app development for multiple platforms and we consistently provide cutting-edge, feature-rich apps that help our customers achieve their business goals. Get in touch with us now if you’re ready to elevate your mobile app development to the next level.



Harpreet Singh
Debut Infotech

A pioneer in Mobile, Blockchain, Managed Services, Oracle, and AI/ML Development.