Carried Away

We can carry our way.

Heather-Lynn Remacle
Decades After Paris
4 min readDec 23, 2023


A child taunts the waves on the rugged west coast. Sprays of misty sunshine frame the scene as his mother just breathes. They are immersed in nature, escaping sadness.

She lets the sand and shells sift between her fingers in one hand, while the other taps a beat on a resonant log. Softly, a tune emerges. Flow between the current peace, the past, and the future weaves into a melody.

She longs for a song to carry them beyond turmoil, into some safe, comfortable state.

People enjoying the expansive beach become characters in short lyrical verses that tell a story of love, loss, and carrying on. A few lines scribbled in her journal keep the song anchored as memory, waiting for a proper release.

a boy running in ocean surf on a sunny beach with his mother sitting and watching
Generated by Dall-e

Swept away.

When Danton and Heather met they falsely claimed to be resistant to romance. They wanted to believe that they were both grounded people who could not get swept away.

Early instagram…

Once they admitted to their attachment, they also intended to test it for resilience (as dating 30-year-olds often do). They knew they had the power to shape their futures, as individuals or a couple.

When they conceived the album, the final song was intended to be a hopeful message from the future. One where they had stayed together, raised children, and obtained wisdom worthy of sharing.

“Carried Away” is a summary of the actions and perspectives we take as individuals, and how we might find resilience and contentment through the turmoil.

The song Heather had kept as an anthem for her hope in finding love and contentment was ready to be released, now that Danton was there to surface the harmony within it.

Music Video


Verse 1:
A dollar here, a dollar there
What would you pay for a world that’s fair
A few cents more is all it takes
To save the treasure that’s at stake

Chorus 1:
We can carry, carry our way
By our dollar we’ll carry, carry our way
We can carry, carry our way
By our dollar we’ll carry, carry our way

Verse 2:
Black day shoppers scream for more
Abundance has no ceiling for
Those lost to false entitlement
It’s killing us it’s killing them

Chorus 2:
We are carried, carried away
Seeking more we’re carried, carried away
We are carried, carried away
Seeking more we’re carried, carried away

Verse 3:
A loved one’s urn sits upon the sill
It’s full of emptiness all filled
With petrol, corn, and trite cheap thrills
So typical of common ills

Like any other grand foray
Time passes, comes another day
It doesn’t seem so far away,
Life beyond this cabaret

Verse 4:
Children laugh and flowers grow
True happiness we want to know
Take my hand and take my heart
Our lives can be a work of art

Chorus 3:
We can carry, carry our way
With hope and love we’ll carry, carry our way
We can carry, carry our way
With hope and love we’ll carry, carry our way

We can carry, carry our way
Against all odds we’ll carry, carry our way
We can carry, carry our way

The final verse — referencing children, gardens, and art — was a surprise to Danton. In the last days leading up to the recording studio, he was putting the final touches on the guiding tracks for the producer. Heather was refining lyrics.

Given the simplicity of the song, Danton didn’t feel the need to review what Heather wrote. He trusted her and his ability to adapt on the fly.

The moment to record the song crept up without the ability to rehearse the final version. As he worked through the first take of the final verse, saltwater welled in his eyes. He was living the verse as he was singing it.

An Anthem

“Carried Away” plays a few times throughout the album, with interludes expressing a few reflections on how we might carry our way to a better future.

Heather and Danton hope the simple song might be a canvas for others to write verses of their own some day.

Interlude 1

We talk about the shining stars
Their weddings, break-ups, fancy cars
Distracted from reality
We carried on and rest easy

We are carried, carried away
From our lives we’re carried, carried away
We are carried, carried away
From our lives we’re carried, carried away

Interlude 2

A land so full of hands and feet
Not moving for the length of street
Alone we site in front of screens
And waste away our time to breathe

We are carried, carried away
From screen to screen to screen we’re carried
Carried away

Wisdom of the ancient ones
Gives hope of possible return
To life in balance with the land
If we take pause and time to learn

Listen to the Song

On iTunes

On Soundcloud



Heather-Lynn Remacle
Decades After Paris

Slow to judge, quick to suppose: truth and alternatives I’m keen to expose. Open by default. How can I help?