DeCartography Beta Experiment #0: Building a Credible Neutrality Social Graph Powered by Web3 Crowdsourcing

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3 min readDec 14, 2023

Today, we’re thrilled to announce first our experiment on DeCartography. the social graph that will be generated in this round will be used for Proof of Concept of Plural QF with Gitcoin.

The core idea behind DeCartography is to process data as an oracle powered by web3 crowdsourcing. which can provide quantified cooperation between contributors and measure social distance as a social graph while remaining credible neutrality. Through this, our goal is to increase the efficiency of the process of consensus building in Cyber-space.

Basically word “oracle” is used for data fetcher from outside of the blockchain, but, in this case, we can name it “Relational computational oracle (powered by crowdsourcing)”. DeCartography as a crowdsourcing platform can process data with a bunch of crowdworkers.

some computational oracles require a node/validator for computation, they calculate in each computer and then merge it. Finally, generating finalized data. and it’s okay for calculatable things.

of course, the relation between someone can be calculated by simple clustering. but, the problem is here. “Who decides how to cluster”.

It was also very insightful to receive the question “How is the clustering of donors” which is the basis of Plural QF. In this simulation, it was simply divided by age as shown in the last image but I think it can be clustered in household composition, household income, and the area where you live.

Also, “Who decides how to cluster?” The question is exactly how to build legitimacy, and I think it ended with the feeling that it is necessary to discuss it based on the word governance technology!

here is the problem as I mentioned in the Anti-collusion QF workshop

something like this case, in which we need a rough consensus but do not want nobady to decide this indicator we don’t have an option right now. so, DeCartography fixes this.

One of the most difficult parts of DeCartography is whether the mechanism of DeCartography is viable and, Proof of the advantages the use of the advanced mechanisms which used our generated data offers over existing mechanisms. We are willing to go through many rounds of experimentation to improve this mechanism. And today, we are embarking on the first.

In this Beta round, we developed DeCartography on the Goeli testnet. analyzing data is GR15’s one.

Everyone who has Gitcoin Passport scores at least 10 can trial. after doing the task, you can get ETH (Goeli testnet) worth 5$ will be sent as a reward.

please check your score before you try the task

This experiment will begin today (12/14) and will end as soon as we finish analyzing the data. After the experiment is over, we will publish an article about our study and redesign the system based on our findings. We cannot guarantee that the reward distribution system will be the same in the second experiment.

Recommend using MetaMask from your desktop browser
Please select 3 similar addresses based on your intuition
  1. The task is. “Look at the NFTs of each element and choose three addresses that are similar.” This is all.
  2. If you press SWAP without pressing SUBMIT, another address will be displayed.
After doing the task, the Goerli testnet will send you the ETH reward. Transaction propagation may take a little time

This is our first experiment in building credible neutrality crowdsourcing and reorganizing incentives on the Internet! We couldn’t be more pleased.

