How to facilitate access to automatically updated schedules ? The use case of Decathlon Senegal

Alioune Dieng
Decathlon Digital
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2020

We all agree that collaborator’s schedules can become a real issue in some cases if it’s not well managed, especially for retail companies.

A year ago, google spreadsheets were used to manage the schedules of our employees in stores. The disadvantages were that was not convenient for users to update schedules quickly and easily as it had to be done manually.

To solve this issue, we decided in February 2019 to developed a solution that allows us to have an interface that facilitates access to automatically updated
schedules in all stores in Senegal.

How does this application works ?

The application has been developed with PHP, JS, MySQL, Bootstrap, CSS
Type of hosting : shared or dedicated.
Required skill level : junior PHP developer.
Decaplanning is a web platform that works on all types of devices. We get access to this latter via the URL.

There are 2 types of access levels on the platform :

Colleague space

Colleague’s dashboard
Colleague’s planning configuration page

The colleague’s dashboard lists all the schedules of his/her store and he/she can click on a schedule to make changes.

The “General view” button allows to display the parameters of all the colleagues of the given schedule.
The colleague has access to the “Parameters” space where he /she can configure his/her days off or unavailability and these configurations will be automatically applied to the schedules that will be created by the leader.
Each colleague can therefore amend his status based on a predefined list (training, presence mode, break, individual evaluation , cash register, designated person in charge of the store…)
As a leader, I automatically know the hourly amount of each colleague for every schedule.

Leader space

Leader’s planning configuration page
Leader’s store configuration page

Thanks to the tab “store settings”, the store leader will be able to set the store hours. And with the tab “manage colleagues”, he will be able to change the profile of a colleague.

Page “my settings”: “your current choices” to automatically configure the days of rest and unavailability (same as the colleagues).

The store leaders will initialize the schedules and after colleagues will be able to say if they are in charge of the store for today, in training and so on. The colleagues have the choice if the store leader chooses to leave or not the editable option for them.

A solution that change the life of our teammates in stores

Decaplanning was designed by our collaborators for our teammates in stores to facilite the management. Now, they can create and access their planning easily and modify it anytime. It gives them a general overview of the planning of their colleagues.

This solution is a good example of how IT teams contribute to the well being of collaborators in store.

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