#IT TAKES ONLY ONE — Putting the spotlight on Decathlon Technology’s 2021 Cybersecurity communication campaign

Adina Edme
Decathlon Digital
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2022

Cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats in the technology industry. The risk could happen at any time, in any country. Phishing, ransomware, smishing, malware… And the threat only increases when you’re working for a global brand name. Sometimes, it only takes one small mistake to run a serious cybersecurity risk to the entire company.

The implication is that every Decathlon employee is responsible for doing their part to ensure the security of the company’s IT systems, for example, to ensure their equipment is stored away safely, and that passwords are regularly updated… From the design team to storefronts, the entire Decathlon value chain is involved. CYBERSECURITY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY.

Internal communication is the most important part of the communications team’s daily job at Decathlon Technology. But how do you ensure 100,000+ employees follow good security practices at a company that operates across 60+ countries?!

Discover the world of Decathlon Technology’s communications team, with a spotlight on our Cybersecurity awareness month campaign from 2021.


In light of the European Cyber Security Month in October, we initiated the idea to run a cybersecurity campaign so that our 100,000+ employees know the basics in order to protect ourselves collectively from these threats.

Instead of a stale, boring communication around cybersecurity, we decided to make it fun. That means bright and funny images that make people want to look, jumping out from the standard communication they expect from such a large enterprise company.

Let’s take the example of these videos using comparisons between private life and professional life. For example:

Using a public toothbrush sounds like a bad idea, just like using a shared public WiFi. It takes only one unsecured connection to put the whole company at a serious cybersecurity risk.

Passwords are like socks, you should change them often. It takes only one weak password to put the whole company at a serious cybersecurity risk.

Cybersecurity might be an anxiety-provoking subject. So we tried another approach: arousing curiosity without scaring. This humorous and offbeat campaign captured employees’ attention and presented serious content in light form.

We also called on the perspective of the experts, with five short interviews with our security team to discuss best practices, and three short videos showing actions and their consequences.

Launched across 85 countries, we applied a 360° approach, developing the campaign into both print and digital to have a real impact on the company, with a dedicated campaign website, internal and external social media posts, posters in dozens of countries, videos on the screens of our physical sites, banners on internal websites, banners on internal newsletters, dedicated newsletters, radio (internal and store radio), articles (blogs and media), intervention group workshops, and specific meetings in countries and business units. We multiplied the channels so that no employee was left forgotten.

It’s a tried and tested formula: Repeat, repeat, repeat to increase awareness.

The campaign’s dedicated website received 27,295 unique visitors and our videos received 16.5K views. The campaign was also translated into no less than ten languages, and localized content was created for some countries like China and Spain.

Hard work pays off… We won an Award for internal communication from the 35th COMENT!

Even more importantly, from a survey conducted on Decathlon employees, the necessity of the campaign was rated 10/10 and we also achieved an 8.7 overall satisfaction rating. We’ll let this video talk for itself:

In October 2022 we will renew the experience and launch a new narrative — stay tuned.

Are you interested in joining the Decathlon Technology team? Check out all of our career opportunities here.



Adina Edme
Decathlon Digital

Head of communications: Information Technology & Digital, internal/external, brand strategy,