Want workplace policies, laws, and values that support your family? Me too. Let’s do something about it.

Rachel Loftspring
Decent Dads
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2016

American mamas and papas: we have a problem.

The US ranks last in nearly every measure of family-friendly policy in the world. We’re the only developed country without paid parental leave. (Yes, feel free to take a minute to let that sink in). Parents everywhere feel as if they are simultaneously sucking at work, sucking at home, and sucking at life.

Guess what, it’s not us, it’s the system. Or our general lack thereof.

But we can change this.

We can create a society that invests in families — no matter what that family may look like — through family-supportive workplace policies, laws, and values. We can develop a framework that reflects the fact that 75% of American mothers work, not our current one built around the assumption that mom stays home.

It will not be easy (no bulleted list to change your life here) but is crucial.

We can make a difference….IF.

If we are willing to roll up our sleeves and put in the work. If individual parents pool their collective time and talent and collaborate with one another. If, for example, working parents push their employers for on-site daycare. If parents educate their peers on why a dad is not “babysitting” his own kid. If parents organize and advocate for paid family medical leave. If parents, like you, take action.

And we’re going to need a place to do this.

Not too long ago I quit my job to start a collaborative hub where parents create positive, family-friendly change. A space where everyday parents can find knowledge, education, and community. A place that provides moms and dads — no matter whether single, partnered, married, straight, or LGBTQ — with:

  • Access to a collaboration platform in order to work together on advocacy and social media campaigns
  • Downloadable guides for use at work, home, and the legislature
  • Discussion forums and a blog

My belief is that if we provide this hub, and do it well, parents will take action.

It may be the most naive thing I’ve ever done.

I mean, I’ve read enough to know “if you build it they will come” is not a truism. Nonetheless, I am committed.

If you’ve read this far, you may be similarly passionate. And if you are, I am in need of your help. I am looking for early adopters, parent impactors, or whatever sexy-ish name you want to call it to get involved at the early stage of something important. Specifically, I am in need of parents who will take action by providing stories for use in the website launch later this summer. Topics include: paid parental leave, after school care, flex time, and affordable early childhood education.

If you’re interested in learning more and/or providing content, please email me at: rachel at thebreedingground (dot) org

About: Rachel Loftspring is Founder and CEO of The Breeding Ground, a collaborative hub where parents deliver change.



Rachel Loftspring
Decent Dads

Founder of The Breeding Ground, a new social network of parent advocates www.thebreedingground.org